I often see people complaining on the forums or ingame that fighting greens isn't fun and teaming up with reds is usually problematic.
I believe that some clans even go to specific factions to have as many reds as possible but maybe not all of them are 100% happy with the faction they are in due to bad faction items or whatever.

Here are some suggestions that might make PvP more manageable, as well as remove the "need" for some clans to be in a specific faction just to have more reds.
The only downside I can think of that might happen is that more clans might go CA for the plasma wave.

1) Tickboxes to visually show runners of a certain faction as red.
If you tick the box behind the faction name, players from that faction will only visually (player / clan / faction names above toons) show as red. NPC's of that faction will not be affected by this tickbox.

This could be added on the factions window.
By default all tickboxes would be unticked.
It's the players choise to tick the boxes AND it's the players responsibility to remember which factions are actually allies / neutrals.
So if you tick all boxes and then kill some people in plaza 2, then you don't have any right to go whine to a GM that you lost a load of SL because you accidentally killed allies.

Possible "problems": Clans in the same faction might more easily turn on each other for OP fights, but this can happen now as well since there is no SL loss at OP fights, and is this really a bad thing? I think most people will encourage more PvP.

2) "Ally runner" list and "ally clan" list.
Just like the "friends" and "ignore" lists you can add names to them.
Any runner that you have put on your "ally runner" list will visually only (same as with the tickbox idea) show as green.
Same for the "ally clan" list but obviously for clan names. This will show every member of that clan as green.
This could be used to more easily form temporary (or long term) alliances between runners and/or clans for PvP purposes.
These could be added as new tabs on the factions window. (to prevent an overload on the hypercom window)

What do you think? Potentially interesting or utter crap?
Any additional pro's and/or con's that I overlooked?