Quote Originally Posted by Spaceshotx7 View Post
I can't believe you think my ideas suck. we'll, at least the game should be made so It runs well on Windows 7 and 8.

The death penalty in this game is worst that the death penalties in games like World of Warcraft, DC Universe, and Star Wars The Old Republic. The game is also unforgiving on newbie players, because the game is designed with levels, just like other MMOS, where low level players have no change against high level players. in World Of Warcraft, is already bad enough having to waste at least 1-3 minutes running back to your corpse, and resurecting, and being open to any npc attack, as well as 10% durability damage. But the death penalty in this game is too much. I don't want to be dropping items when I die, and having all my armor, and some implants to remove. Some implants may require someone to poke me to put them back in because I don't have the specialized skills to do so. Overall, this game should be more newbie friendly.

The game could also be annlying, where I'm just trying to level, and do stuff, when an enemy player goes kills me on sight, and then when I leave my apartment, I get killed again, and the imparement stacks.

I Think the developers should do something to attract more players to the game, or the game will just die out, and the servers will shut down for good.
Now I could be wrong, if yes I apologize.
But i think what we have here is a prime example of a troll, an interesting lifeform that had been thought to have died out, till the internet came up.
It showed, that this species infact has survived through the ages, and dwells on unsuspecting users, baiting them to get fed. The lifeform often finds someone who feeds it cookies and then comes back for more. If the feeding stops it will still linger around to see if there isn't someone who might still feed it, or someone who starts again because they think its just too cute.
It has been shown in the past, that the lifeform Troll can also start a rage that is dangerously infective to those around it, so most of the times its best to stay calm around it.
If careful, the lifeform is a very interesting one to look at and to observate.
Often people just feed it to keep it around for their amusement.
Since this is just such a fascinating creature I couldn't stop and not comment to it and its beauty.
Again I apologize if I am mistaken, my eyesight isn't what it used to be.