Quote Originally Posted by Chuck Norris View Post
So many skewed "facts" in here that are not at all facts, seems like people/grievers are just pissed they have no one to grief during their limited amount of play time.
That thing you just leapt to? That's a false conclusion. I don't know that I see an evidence of what you're saying in the thread at all. Yes, a lot of folks like it when the LE was essentially forced out, but it's false equivalency to equate that with wanting to grief players. In fact, more than one person here has pointed out that LE players can currently grief with impunity by killing the NPCs others need to finish their quests, which seems to imply the opposite of what you said is true.

but you know what, I like Chuck Norris. His tears cure cancer and that means a lot to me. It'd be better if he ever actually cried, but still, his heart is in the right, unpunchable, place. So let's talk a little bit about what you said without just discounting it as wrong with no evidence.

You seem to believe that if more people pulled out their LE, they would all somehow grief the little guy. I can understand that -- that *did* happen back in NC1. That's a valid concern. That said, why assume that a request to reinstate the XP bonus for non-le'd players means we want all players to pull their LEs? Yes, perhaps in an effort to level more quickly more people will pull their LEs, but that's *not* the goal of the request as I understand it. As I understand it, the point is to give people who take on more risk a better reward to recognize that. How does that hurt a player with an LE in at all?

It's a simple request really. filter out all the side talk and focus on that: it's not going to make the game worse for Non-LEd players in any way, so why oppose it?