Before i explain what i feel the problems are / what i would like to see fixed please understand that these are simply my ideas that, after playing the game during its core times (when it was at its very best), i feel need to be adjusted in order to make this a better experience and not another moment where the game looks promising only to be shot down by bad moves which has happened again and again.


Wow devs.......just wow. How on earth did it get to the point where the APU monk was an utterly useless class that might as well be removed entirely from the creation list? Thats kind of a trick question really as I, along with most of the community, could probably tell you where you went wrong, and i'm going to right now. My advise to you is that you listen, and focus on this above most of the crap currently being worked on. People don't need new storyline missions - they need the stuff they want to play fixed.

I'm going to put the three main points into sub category's so it's easier to follow. Here goes:


So here i am in Neocron years upon years ago. The game is at it's most popular, op wars are regular and everything kind of has a use in terms of classes and what they can give. Some things needed tuning yes, but a few things made sense and worked correctly. So here comes my first question.

When you guys had a meeting (If you had a meeting) which incredibly stupid person suggested to remove Anti-Buff from the APU and give it to the damn PPU? PPU's gave enough utility in a fight. The healed, buffed, rezzed and looked after themselves in case they were focussed. APU's would be able to pick off targets with an anti-buff and try to burst before it was noticed - THAT WAS THEIR JOB.

So you removed what they were good at and you then filled it with nothing? Please explain why anyone would think of this as a good idea. You took away their use, gave it to someone else and expected people to keep playing them? Ok, ok...their damage was still decent and i suppose the PPU could simply call it out, right? That's fine....but then...........this happened

2) Reticle

Someone give me a child to punch. I get why you did it...kind of. APU's were able to target things that couldn't hit back and made farming a joke, amongst other things - BUT THIS WAS NOT A FIX. APU PvP in OP wars and solo was down to twitch reactions. It was different to the PE / Tank / Spy and thats what made it great. You royally screwed that and again, left them with nothing.

Let me recap far you've taken away their main spell and then created it so that all of their damage spells need to be properly aimed to fire...and still given nothing back. Right now they're near the bottom of the list in terms of decent fighters where once they ruled the roost - and rightly so. They weren't called an aggressive psi monk for nothing.

Surely it couldn't get much worse

3) Damage / Frequency

Turns out it could! Not only did you destroy them, you also decided to completely ruin their rate of fire for good measure. Do you all play tanks in the office? Did you not like getting utterly dicked by an APU and thus decided you would make them utterly pointless for anyone to play? I agree that MAYBE their rate of fire in nc1 was a little high but by that i mean A LITTLE HIGH - not 75% or something utterly stupid.


I'm sorry if I seem angry - but I am. I'm angry that you've let this get to the level it has and it's never really been noticed. Some simple, simple changes can make APU's worth it again and i suggest you do it tomorrow, not in a month when you're done making another story mission or re-releasing MC5. Sit down, change it, and patch it. The 3 main changes are below - they are simple, effective and can make them worth while again:

1) Return Anti-Buff to APU's
2) Remove the reticle
3) Up Damage and Frequency by 15% - This is a rough number and i would like some ideas about it.

It's that simple from my eyes - I look forward to seeing what others say