Before i explain what i feel the problems are / what i would like to see fixed please understand that these are simply my ideas that, after playing the game during its core times (when it was at its very best), i feel need to be adjusted in order to make this a better experience and not another moment where the game looks promising only to be shot down by bad moves which has happened again and again.


Since I started playing Neocron again I've spent some time wondering round the world to remind myself of some decent places to farm / level. Obviously there are some great caves in-game (Chaos...Swamp Caves...Snakes...etc) but there are also some that are utterly pointless and could be used better. Gaia Mine for example could easilly be converted into one cave rather than three different entrances. The Escador Oasis could also be used better than it currently is.

I feel a few other caves would be nice - new ones that can be farmed to drop tech's / a good way to farm XP in groups. You could also have a re-visit to the DOY Tunnels to make them a little bit more friendly for players as right now it's horrible.