Before i explain what i feel the problems are / what i would like to see fixed please understand that these are simply my ideas that, after playing the game during its core times (when it was at its very best), i feel need to be adjusted in order to make this a better experience and not another moment where the game looks promising only to be shot down by bad moves which has happened again and again.


Remember when the starting MC5 zone actually had promise? I know it was a long time ago but it could of been used to much better. If I spoke to a friend of mine today and said that I'm playing this game again and they had never heard about it i would probably say to them 'It's great...but you'll have no idea what you're doing unless you've played it before' - and it's true.

If you were a new runner in neocron you would spawn in MC5 and that would be it - sure you have some mails, but that's a lot of reading that sometimes not everyone wants to do and I think its time this was updated. A simple tutorial is all you need (the little boxes that pop up are nice, but they need to be more in-depth)

Even better would be to have an NPC that spawns just to show you around the area - showing you the CityCom, GoGo etc so you understand the game a little better. You need to understand that most games nowadays implement rather big tutorials so people know what they're doing. There is nothing more frustrating in a game than to buy it, set it all up, then find you have no idea what to do. Also if we backtrack to the character creation screen I feel it would be nice to have mini-videos describing each faction (Alot like what they do in The Secret World) as i think it would add more feel to choosing your faction.