Dear runners,

to be able to fix the ongoing problems with several missions, we need your help! What can you do to help? Just do a few missions! Every single contribution will help! We need to test every single type of mission for every single faction. Please report here which missions you did, which ones worked and which faction you belong to and which faction issued the mission. In case a mission does not work, please explain what exactly did not work. A helpful post would look something like the following:

Own faction: Anarchy Breed
Mission issuing faction: Trader Union
Flawlessly working missions: 1337 Research mission, 42 Construction mission
Not working missions: 123 Recycle mission

123 Recycle mission: The NPC whom I shall hand the substances does not want to accept them. This only happens if he requests Arillium and is reproducible.

Your Neocron Support Team