So. At the advice of Lykos im making this thread.

This has been discussed several times in different threads im sure but i want to propose this as a formal change to the Private Eye class. Instead of making him/her grind out to 257m xp for the chance to use woc he should have a lower requirement.

As i see it 257 is derived as the magical number overcap including the 100m needed for woc. So either do this one of 2 ways.

Option A would be to enforce a requirement of 100m xp over the dex requirement for the PE at level 80 Dex.

Option B given the way the PE earns his xp would be to adjust this. What ever the percentage is of the 100m xp over the dex 100 cap requirement should be applied in the same way at dex 80 for a pe. For sake of arguement if its a 25% over cap requirement of the total xp for woc one on a spy then this should be the same for the private eye. I know what i want to say but im not sure im explaining it correctly.

theoretically speaking to try and explain this better. If the magical number for a spy was 50% of his dex xp at dex 100 then it would be X amount. So the same should apply for the pe. 50% of his dex xp at level 80 should be the same magical number that he needs to hit for his woc reqs. Does that make sense?