Not sure how "good" the AI of the Copbots should be, but with alle the poison mobs spawns, and me with CR 14 often dying and watching them I noticed a few things - I guess it was there before, but still, here are my observations...

1) The Copbots have problems changing targets - the were focused on one target somewhere on the map but stuck on an alcove - another Mob comes up the ramp, shoots in their back... and the only Copbot shooting them back is a new spawned one, the others are still focused on a target somewhere else.

2) The wayfinding of the Copbots is horrible (maybe if they ran along the Navray they had better achievements) - very often they seem they cannot find a way to their target.

3) Maybe it is not meant that way, but sometimes a Copbot would stand still - completely, so I think maybe he had no target (because otherwise he would run into walls to try to get to it). But just a bit away of him an Enemy Mob battling his colleagues just shot on, without the still standing Copbot intervening

Well I am still sure the Copbots are not a main concern now, but after all I had not much time testing anything else, with me lying on the ground most of the time ;-)