In another thread someone mentioned it's very hard to find the rare you want, since the rares pool has increased a lot since NC1.

Would it be a good idea to divide the rare pool up so that different types of enemies drop different types of rares? It wouldn't be so strict as "Firemobs only drop APU spells", since, that would be terrible for tanks who hunt firemobs. But what if each tech-dropping 'group' (i.e. warbots, or, firemobs, or, hoverships) only drop techs within 2, 3, maybe 4 certain categories, instead of every single category?

So for example if firemobs drop 3 tech types, I dunno... APU, T-C cannons, and low-tech pistols. So, a tank hunting firemobs would have a 1/3 chance of finding a T-C cannon part, which is a better chance than the current 1/12 chance of even finding the type of part he wants, let alone the actual weapon he wants, and then the actual part on that weapon.