Post start as a reply on the MC5 but it followed on from that and didnt seem relevant to that thread anymore so here it is.

The main thing i want to see from Area MC5 and throughout the game is a greater explanation of the history and past events in the world.
Area MC5 should teach new players how to play the game but it should also explain the history of the game (the key elements in bite sized chunks to start off with so the runner doesn't get bored).

The game manual explains the story up to a point, but i'd like to expand on that history and be really thorough.

One idea would be to use terminals in NEMA as a sort of Archive Database.

Another would be to open a Museum in Neocron (In place of Job Centre?).
The building could be designed to start at a reception type area with NPC behind a desk explaining how the Museum works.
Next you have 2 door's at either side of the reception or behind (entrance & exit with a fee paying panel on the entrance only to open the door).
The Fee should be "Per Party" as obviously if one persons pays then others can run in for free, unless there's a way around this.
Once inside the entrance you take a gravlift up to the top floor then you follow a one way path down through the floors to the exit.
The rooms on the floors should have Visual explanation of key events from the beginning of history to the present day, with NPCs on hand to explain more in depth.
1 Floor should be dedicated to each faction with NPC's (Civilians in order to avoid the pro city/anti city issue) from that faction in their own area. Each faction can explain its history, how it was formed, it's past and current structure, business interests ect. a it gives all NPC's the opportunity to recruit new runners using propaganda ect.
Final Floor, Final Room should be a larger area for current events (which could change whenever there's a patch)

Ive wrote this on the fly so there's bound to be stuff wrong with it, feedback appreciated.