this is a proposition to add to the player experience: rework loot tables

some mobs drop items of use (besides garbage to be sold or recycled): mutants have basic bones, weapon modifiers, hurlers, butchee and cyclops give heart implants, some prairie reptiles drop lvl 1 implants, there's a queen avalanche spell, judgement day rocket launchers and the most sought-after storm laser cannon. (and tech parts...) while lower-end mob loot will ease a runner's life, high-end loot are a valuable trade items and a source of activity, like an ongoing quest.

back in the days mutants were also dropping street rifles or nail pistols, aggressors had gatlin pistols, higher prairie reptiles had lvl 2 and 3 implants (backbones and brain chips). this was changed imho with 2.1.
re-introducing "usable loot" would greatly add to the fun of PvE and make a runner's life more interesting, if every 10th or 20th killed mob had some extra loot. examples:

mutants: nail pistol, street rifle, flamer (+bones)
acolytes: basic apu spells, basic psi armour
plants: basic drugs
hurler: knuckles, basic grenades (+hearts)
butchee: basic kevlar armour, grenade launcher
cyclops: basic rocket launcher (+hearts)
sentinel: laser pistols
mad copbot: gatlin pistol
spiderbot: basic gatlin cannon
y soldiers: hightech pistols, rifles, cannons
warbot: TL 67 rocket launcher, TL 65 freezer cannon, techparts
brutes/horrors: mid apu spells, mid and high imps, techparts
hoverbots: TL 90 ray cannon, techparts

any ideas?