Hey all,

Have a few suggestions for tradeskilling, to take away a bit of the monotony of research and construction. Also a couple of things that just down right bug me a little...

First of all, can you add a tools vendor to Factories, gets a bit annoying having to take my constructor to a lab to buy grease then head back to a factory. Logically there should be someone at factories selling grease, recycling fluid at mines etc. It would just be handy yknow...

Construction speed, why is it so slow at higher TL's, This isnt such an issue when you are building 1 rare, or 3 of a gun in the hope for slots (Plus with the availability of illegal slotties now, its not like it used to be building 50+ of a weapon for some 5 slotters...)
When youre building drones though, this is an absolute ballache, it takes almost as long as a TL150 research BP, uses daft amounts of grease and even have extra clicks in between putting 1 bp into the processor (sounds petty now i type it, but its just annoying as hell) Could we streamline this a little and make it less of a chore ?

Parts diversity, why do so many lower TL items need weapon part 8's and 9's ? i can see that the parts are generated depending on the cost to build, so why for convenience sake on such low TL items cant we just use 2x wep 7's on the lower stuff instead ?