Disabling AOE drones is imo the same thing that happened when you guys moved the MC5 commander and closed Ceres lab, you placed an even larger gap between the exploiters and the rest of the server. The people who used the exploits to gain WoC xp, MC5 implants and WoC disks have won, they have what they need, but the rest of us who did things legit now have to deal with a much longer time to cap and gain WoC xp, horrible respawns on MC5 commander and Protos that can shoot you from across the zone.

My opinion is simple and might be a way to push some lifeblood into the servers.. Open up Character COPIES, charge a small fee ($10-$20 USD) per character. Characters are COPIED, not Transferred, and they come to Titan with XP ONLY! No items, Credits or anything else. I know officially you cannot accept money, so maybe there is a way you guys can work it out so it seems like we are paying the GM to give the character the exact XP they had on Terra?

Again, just an idea.
But the removal of AoE drones without implementing a suitable AoE replacement for Spies has pretty much doomed the class. We are too weak to handle high level mobs with their bugged damage and other PvE issues (Invisible fire mobs, mobs shooting you without animations and so on..)