Quote Originally Posted by William Antrim View Post
Im going to continue to level all 3 of my spies as I have been since the start of Titan and all will be fully capped in a few more weeks. Just so I can laugh at anyone who says spies cant be levelled.

P.s I have not droned for one second on titan. There is more than one way to level a spy fast.

I have two trade skillers both currently sitting at Dex/Int 70ish and neither has droned. Ever

I am currently only getting about 1 level per half hour or so and it is showing signs of slowing down but I think I can cap all 3 in another week or two.
My rifle spy is 98 dex/94 int base, and ive mostly just hunted warbots with him or teamed for caves. My researcher is base 98 int now too, neither of them droned. It does just take a bit of time and work to do it.

However I do think the 'temporary' removal of all AOE drones is a bit of a kick in the teeth fix for reasons stated above. those that have blatantly not played by the same ruleset have been walking aorund with woc dex for a few weeks now