Titan is great. We love it.

It's already becoming 'polluted' though, with the cookie-cutter, completely over-powered WoCSPYSCUMBAG class. As it stands right now, the WoC weapons (AK and Beretta, etc) are over-powered for what they are, and here's why:

- They are pretty much the easiest weapons in the game to obtain
- They completely out-damage their lowtech rare counterparts
- They automatically come with 120/120/120/120 stats, fully constructed

Rare weapons take forever to farm and obtain, then you have a large percentage chance of it being a shit-statted 0 slot weapon.

My proposition, is that you level the playingfield by doing one of the following:

- REMOVE ALL current WoC weapons from Titan. I have no idea how easy this would be, but I mean taking them from every player.
- Remove all WoC weapon missions, and instead, have them drop as E parts along with normal rares, thus giving them a chance of being constructed with less than ARTIFACT stats; like any other rare.
- Nerf damage

- Reduce damage considerably of all WoC weapons, to make them more similar to rare weapons.

What do you (non-WoCSPYSCUMBAGs) think?