Alright, since I posted this idea in the other 2 topics regarding the LE, and that the more I think about it the more sense it makes, I've decided to break it down as a new Brainport topic.

I'm proposing to make all the leveling areas, low and high level, into Warzones. This means :

-No SL loss/gain from killing ally/neutral/enemy runners
-No belt drop at death, no items loss

The are many reasons why I believe this would be beneficial to all :

-Promotes the removal of LE, because I believe most people don't take it off by fear of loosing an item while PVE'ing
-No more item loss due to crashing/synching out while leveling, think of it as an gift to players for the inconvenience crash/synch-dieing
-No more SL loss when your un-teamed ally dies, sometimes people just lag out, relog, and get barreled to death upon logon
