Some thoughts, would be great to hear some opinions.

We're all very happy at the new population growth, however recently I've seen new players comment on how the rest of the city that isn't P1 can be a ghost town at times even during peak. This made me want to raise some interesting points for us all to discuss:

1. Does it make sense that P1 is secure, yet other Plaza and Viarosso zones are not? These zones are meant to be the inner sanctum of the city, and seeing lots of pvp is rare in most except for Plaza 2. Plaza 2 doesn't seem like a decent place for this to be happening either, when we all know Pepper Park is the sleazier and more lawless area where this has taken place both historically in an RP sense and in retrospect of NC1.

2. Assuming Plaza and Viarosso are possibly made safezones again, the huge bulk of people seem to congregate in P1. Although latley I've seen more people in faction HQ's too. It'd still be good to spread out population amongst other city zones. Could this be encouraged by having small skill bonuses to tradeskillers in different zones? for example a slight boost to Implant in P1 with there being a big medicare centre, and so on for other zones like +barter, +recycle etc. Yes these come from ops too, but some people are LE or unclanned, and not everyone wants to travel to an outpost. These could be made or varied depending on faction and hostility but would obviously need a great deal of balance.. Perhaps grant certain bonuses in PP too for non-LE characters, offering something good at a risk of being ganked (there's even a Construction area in PP3 and the Industrial sector adjacent).

3. Contrasting this. Could safezones been removed completely? Sure there are issues such as droners exploiting copbots etc, but it goes with saying if P2, P3 & P4 aren't safe then why is P1 any different?

4. Faction guards. Safezones or not, I do find it strange now that hostiles to city factions can easily stroll around their seats of power without any bother unless they enter the faction HQ. Even city factions seem to be safe from enemy guards now. (for example, as BT I can stand outside TT hq without a care in the world) - Could faction guards be put into play a little more so that the city is a little more dynamic and by extension TH, MB and TG? (I won't even mention TG starting in the city now....)

Discuss :P

Before someone states the obvious, I know the team has a lot on their hands and changes like this might be a long way off, but doesn't hurt to speculate. Thanks again to the team, and the way things have been going I'm sure new exciting changes can be made soon as NC has gone from almost dead to alive and kicking in the past 2 months.