Here some things I'd like to be changed:

Is way too weak to play effectively in an op fight. They may have the highest one hit damage output but that's not valuable when you die too fast to cast a second time.
- increase spell frequency (or make it more influencable by skillpoints set) while decreasing the actual damage output per hit to achieve a higer damage output over (life)time
- balance PA and non-PA setup differences. right now APU is almost only playable with a PA setup due to higher dmg output and better resistance with the disadvantage of runspeed loss. the other way around an apu is very hard to play non-PA, due to lower damage output, worse resist and the advantage of just a little more runspeed.
-make Fire Apocs and Poison Beams stackable again. this will not only increase after-zone/stealth kill chance but also make ppu spells for removing DOTs useful
- give him back his ANTI shields. this is my favorite one! PSI monks imho have always been a special class with special abilities valuable for the entire op fight team. Now only the Passive PSI monk is, while the agressive part is a simple dumb damage maker (at least, i wish...). Giving back the anti shields to the APU will increase the importance of his role and his need to be protected in an op fight and makes him an important key player! Besides that, what's the reason of giving the antibuf to someone who lives till the end of a fight and is hard to kill? It only brings anti spamming of PPUs who just come out of the underground to debuf. Fail...

As a result: Make him playable by giving him the important role he deserves! This is not a "I want the APU to be overpowered again" flame. Changes have to be made to gain a level between the old and the new APU (where one is extremely overpowered and the othere one totally weak)

The following changes concerning the PPU class require the APU stuff to be implemented.
- remove ability to debuf (as mentioned above)+ the ppu should concentrate on his role of a supporter while his range of agressive opportunities (casts on enemies) should in fact weaken the enemy by influencing JUST A LITTLE of his stats. Removing shields is a way too agressive form to do this and should be done by an APU.
- give him back the parashock. now don't get me wrong, I don't mean the old extremely freezing thingy. But a little slow-down of a character's run speed is a very effective and tactical method. By doing this, the enemy's ppu is pushed more and more in the supporter role because he must provide an anti-freeze. Anti parashock drugs will be useful again, too.
- increase anti stun/poison/db... frequency. make it useful. nough said.
- fix the shield overcast PPU vs. PPU. Make it a restriction that a ppu can't be overcasted by another ppu's shields. He should only be able to receive foreign shields if he has none on him (rezz support) and to overcast them

And one general thing: Anti shields should get the old cast animation (the huuuuge disco ball) again. So a PPU can prepare way better for re-casting the shields on a team mate. Well, and I liked it better

So long!