I would like to throw out the idea to remove the driving profession altogether, as driving should be considered a secondary skill and should be treated as such.

No full combat char can afford points in VHC if they are going to be viable, at best the 15 for a quad maybe.

This leaves most high end flying & combat vehicles out of reach. Very few people dedicate the high level of points to make use of them, so unfortunately we don't see many DOY bombers flying around!

I would suggest that VHC should no longer be required, that vehicles instead be linked to your level. Early levels you can use quad, moving on to bikes, hovertecs then mid range 25-45 you gain use of combat vehicles. One near cap 50+ you get to use all flying and high end combat rhino etc.

If your taking a combat vehicle then the gunner will still require the combat skill necessary to shoot it, don't want to unbalance combat! Just allow people to make more use of them.

Also give a boost as a levelling reward to new chars, get to 10 you use a bike, get to 50 and fly!

Op wars involve people running around in groups as most have little to no VHC. They should be able to rock up on bikes, transports, gliders! It would make the sky's more accessible and the VHC much more used.

Plus create some business for brammers