Quote Originally Posted by Mokoi
and also, please keep in mind that the rule about exploit discussion has not changed arround here. we dont want nor need that on the forums, because as I just said, it does not help in any way.
Read before deleting

No offence, but this is fucking stupid for two reason...And I'll tell you why.
1.) They do it anyway.
2.) Some topics they never actually get a clear answer on.

Give them a subforum to whine in or something AND where you guys will actually tell them if something is considered an exploit or not. I can't count the number of times I've seen people woundering if something is or isn't an exploit and the only answer they get is "we dont talk about it here..blah blah". Some people still insist that if someone clipping through a wall even unintentionally "omg exploiter!" because YOU have never once said to them something anything like "we know the net code kinda sucks, but you'll just have to deal with it..sorry." Like one of the guys in that other post, listed a large number of things he considers exploits not all of which are...Because he's never once heard anyone besides a player that would explain to him what is or isn't.

You can close or delete this AFTER you read it, AND THEN take a few seconds to just clarify these issues for once so people will finally know what (besides the obvious) is and isn't allowed ingame. Then you'll have less of these posts to deal with in the future....I shouldn't have to tell a game company to clearly state what is and isn't allowed ingame, but here we are anyway so just get it done. Shouldn't be hard..