But if you eliminate the lockbox, then you have to deal with other side effects as well. For example, someone with maxed out PC or HC skill could conceivably start sniping at mobs/players from well outside the intended range of said weapons. You'd then have to start looking at things like reducing damage over distance when certain distance thresholds are reached. Then you'd have to justify it in turn, because bullets/projectiles don't just "disappear." You'll then have to introduce things like reducing projectile speed over distance and gravity arcs for bullet-based weapons. And even if you do that, you could still potentially see OP fights being started by a group of players just pointing their weapons towards the outpost on the other side of the zone, knowing that their fire is going to fall on the defenders. That's not a fight, it's a bombardment.

I guess what I'm getting at is that the current stats setup makes sense with the current lockbox targeting method. I honestly don't believe it would if true FPS style combat were to be introduced. You'd have to rework the whole system into something that is no longer recognizable.

(For the record though, I do agree that 3rd person combat is borked.)

Also, one other change I'd really like to see is increased draw distance. It made sense to cap it 10 years ago, but not anymore.