OK, after returning to NC after a few months and seeing a 1% max pop now (Maybe 2% for about an hour if i'm lucky). Will there ever be a future of NC? Such as a patch or new release? Seems to me everyone is giving up completely, players and development alike. Ive read several post, all contradicting each others, "there will be a patch", " there never will be a patch". Does anyone know for certain so me, and others wont have to waste their time on it? I kinda feel Reakktor is keeping the servers open for some reason (maybe as a future improvement), but i see no sign of one.

NC was the best game out there, I would even still pay 15-30 a month to play the Old NC again.

Basically, give opinions of what might happen to the game, If the pop is dropping this fast i see that most already think the end is near!!