Some of the most enjoyable fights do happen in pp3 indeed.. its too bad its so rare to run into anyone there though

Last time i got a good fight there, was on my PE, where i ganked some dude who was there to buy armor or something, and then 5mins after i was fighting 4-5 ppl + ppu - was hilarious

BTW unreal exec is still usable.. its not nearly as viable as many other pistols, but it can still kill people.. i usually do about 80dmg per shot with it, and it does have a fairly good freq.. have killed several people with it on my spy tbh..
It IS underpowered though, yes.. But that just makes it more fun to kill people with IMO.
I have a pain easer PE too, which is viable too.
Uh and i often use FL on my rifle spy.. <3 that weapon!

The underpowered weapons does require you to be better than your opponent though

And people saying that WoC is a balance problem... Open your damn eyes and take a look at a rifle that can kill most that arent a tank or PPU buffed in 2 shots... Yes im talking about the Dissy.. which is NOT WoC!
Or CS which also does huge amount of damage, if you can aim it (for some reason there's a lot of people that cant though.. ).
Luckily CS needs some skill to use..