The rain came pouring down over the streets of Neocron that night. People all across the city ran for shelter and only those few who had buisness to attend defyed the wet wrath of the heavens. Jacob metzger was one of these men. Standing in the Typherra memorial square puling his jacket tight around his body to shelter from the water as best he could. Here he awaited his Cityadmin contact with whom he had aranged a meeting the previus night.
Jacob whas a smalltime thug in the underworld of Neocron an enforcer for the local Tsunami. His job consited mainly in beating up those in the city who refused to pay protection money to the Syndicate. He had developed an expertise in avoiding the copbots like no other and the NCPD had been trying to capture him for interogation for years. I knew that he would come runing if his whereabouts where in danger of being found out. He had blackmailed some cityadmin secretary to cover his tracks. The poor guy had saved up a years worth of paychecks to pay my fee. 500k wired directly to my Tech Haven account for the promise that his problem would simply disapear. This mark was hardly worth my time, but when the client pays up front i dont make objections. Id had him call up jacob and tell him that hed found an old security tape showing him leaving his appartment in Pepper Park.
Metzger's cheap holovest had easily fooled the local screaming horse agents and copbots, he looked like any other runner looking for an implanter but i am not as easily fooled as the cheap tin cans Reeza calls cops. It was a perfect setting, a hit performed in the middle of Neocrons most well guarded sector. Ofcourse the Copbots of Neocron was never any real threat, id done this hundreds of times in the other sectors of the city. But Typherra is difrent. It is difrent beacouse just down the street lies the heart of Cityadmin guarded by more than regular tin cans. The cityadmin headquarter is home to the 44th special forces. The pinacle of robotic technology. This will be my bigest archivement to date, taking down a worthless scumbag right on the doorstep of Reezas finest.
Id already crawled onto the ledge hours before my mark apeared. Sitting hidden behind the sattelite disc of an office building overlook the square. Everything had been planed for weeks and my Ronin rifle had been stashed there in advance. The shot whas perfectly alined, a hollowpoint straigh into the skull destroying his Genrep locator. Final death, a rare thing in this city.The mark drops almost instantly as i pull the trigger. The copbots scramble to his body scaning the sorounding building's. Stealthtools are out of the question within the city center, signature scanners are everywhere. I volt across the street onto a nearby balcony. The storm units have been alerted and i hear a cold metalic voice barnking orders. It is a mad dash as i swing of the balcony onto the street, hiding in the shadows till the coast is clear. The sector is in lockdown guards at every exit, all but one. I get up and make a mad scramble for the sewer, as i cross the square i hear the crackling of plasma in the air. My armor take the impact presing aginst my body as it desperses the energy. I keep on runing diving through the open sewer hatch locking it behind me. The city sewers are all interconected and before long i emerge in the outzone. I haul my batered and bruised body to a genrep and return to Tech Haven. Just another day at the office.