This topic was certainly one of the most controversial on the test server (the feature is currently disabled) – here are a few modified concepts that we’d like to discuss with you. The reason behind this feature is the fact that there are Runners in Neocron that have been using the same implant for years, as the low quality does not have any effect.

Alternative 1:
The implants stay as they currently are (both on retail and test server). Quality has no effect whatsoever on the bonuses or penalties.

Alternative 2:
Implants lose bonuses depending on their quality. Quality is divided into four areas:
- Artifact (Quality 90 – 120 Percent): Bonuses are scaled with a factor of 1.2.
- Good (Quality 60 – 90 Percent): Bonuses are not scaled (Factor 1.0)
- Bad (Quality 30 – 60 Percent): Bonuses are slightly reduced (Factor 0.9)
- Shabby (Quality 0 – 30 Percent): Bonuses are reduced (Factor 0.75)

This alternative was already active on the test server – the partially different effects will of course be fixed.

Alternative 3:
This alternative is a derivative of alternative 2 – main skill bonuses will be excluded from the scaling effect, as they are often required to meet use restrictions and we don’t want your weapon to "drop out of your hands" during a fight.

Alternative 4:
We like this version the best: The bonuses are lowered with falling quality (as described in alternative 2) – main skill bonuses are excluded. The main element of this alternative is the handling of the implant’s penalties: the worse an implant’s quality, the higher the skill penalties. A proposition:
- Artifact (Quality 90 – 120 Percent): Penalties are lowered by a factor of 0.5
- Good (Quality 60 – 90 Percent): Penalties are only slightly reduced (Factor 0.75)
- Bad (Quality 30 – 60 Percent): Penalties have full effect (Factor 1.0)
- Shabby (Quality 0 – 30 Percent): Penalties are increased (Factor 1.25)

First off, we’d like to see some discussions where you try to convince us of the alternative you prefer – if necessary we will run a poll to get a result.