Community Contest: Asset creating/restoration

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  1. #1
    Neocron Support Team Xanthos's Avatar
    Join Date
    August 2015

    Thumbs up Community Contest: Asset creating/restoration

    Dear community,

    We have always felt there is too much-unused potential in our community and concluded that we have to make use of it!
    We know not everyone can contribute on a regular basis but can spare the time to craft a one-off piece of wonderment. Therefore, we have decided it is time for a contest! Based on the success of this endeavour, this is something we would love to do more of in the future.

    Aim of the contest?
    New Assets!

    Create a new asset which would fit into the Neocron world. A box, a picture, Event items etc. or restore an existing asset in High Definition.

    Whether you use a Spec/Gloss or Metal/Roughness workflow is up to you, as long as you orient yourself on PBR guidelines for a naturalistic/realistic look.

    Making Engine-ready assets:

    All assets need to conform to specific standards to work with Neocron's deprecated engine:

    • All assets will need to go through a special converter tool later, this tool only reads certain formats (.FBX binary works perfectly). Assets need to be in a metric scale.
    • Neocron does not yet support state of the art dynamic lightning, all textures need to be prepared as Unlit with baked environmental lightning. That means all information is baked static into a single diffuse map. A lossless diffuse map in .PNG is fine. Do not bake strong directional lights or reflections.

    Polygon Budget:
    Up to 5k, with appropriate LoD's. LoD's must have the format: meshName_LOD0.
    Texture-size: 1024px/m. Maximum texture size is 2048px.

    Any tool you feel comfortable with and that can output .PNG and .FBX files
    Your .FBX file must contain a non-triangulated original mesh to have options for changes.

    The prizes?
    Every asset which we decide to include in one of the upcoming patches will be awarded the following:

    • The honour of your asset being published in Neocron -> your name will be put in stone in the patch-notes!
    • A trophy* of your choice for one of your characters on Titan.

    * Your choice of trophy excludes CopBot Trophies as well as Bronze, Silver and Gold Cups.

    Get started and we look forward to reviewing the entries! To give you time to get your entry perfected over the busy holiday period, you have until Friday 11th January 2019 to craft and submit your entry.
    Sent your entry via E-Mail to with the subject "Asset Contest".

    Good luck!
    Your Neocron Support Team
    Last edited by Xanthos; 20-11-18 at 05:27.
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