So if some people duped items was it worth wiping the whole game and everyones progress because of that? Should have banned the cheaters and not punish the legit players.
Similar things have happened in other games and never heard that they would punish the legit players because of some others cheating or wiping the whole game because of it.
There basically is no economy as pretty much no one is playing but wonder what would break the economy so bad that it would affect the game in a more negative way than it currently is? Even if someone had billions of credits and house full of rare gear what would that harm the game more than what its now? The person would get caught and be banned. Even if everyone would run around with rare gear there still would be people playing the game and fighting. When you do a wipe not only do you remove the duped gear but all the legit gear and alot of the player base.
Wouldnt you rather have people playing even with duped gear than no one playing?
You don't want to wipe but if in the future some people dupe or exploit something to get something they shouldn't is it the policy that there will be a wipe to protect the economy even if it basically kills the whole player base?