Character Transfer website updates
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    Default Character Transfer website updates

    The character transfer website has been updated at

    Copying CyroVault characters to Titan

    As part of the Neocron 15th Anniversary, the NST have enabled a ONE time total transfer of any of your old Neocron characters from Terra, Mars or Mercury per account.

    Before you can use the transfer, you must complete the CyroVault restoration mission on titan with any character. To start the mission look for a hacker in Plaza.

    Once you have completed the mission you can transfer ONE character to Titan.

    • Players can reset the skill points during the transfer.
    • Players can change the character name during the transfer.
    • You will require a free slot to transfer the character into.

    Copying characters to test server

    The options to copy characters from the test server have been updated.

    • Players can copy characters from Titan to the Vedeena test server.
    • Players can reset the skill points during the transfer.
    • Players can change the character name during the transfer.
    • You will require a free slot to transfer the character into.

    Items copied during the transfer

    • All items in quickbelt.
    • All items in the inventory.
    • All items in the armour slots.
    • All items in your implant windows.
    • All skills and XP, including WoC skills.
    • Your GenRep list.
    • Any character transferred starts with 150,000 nc

    Items not copied or replaced during the transfer

    • No items in your Go-Guardian are transferred.
    • No WoC disks or rare parts are transferred.
    • No apartment or vehicle keys are transferred.
    • Any Gold WoC PA's are replaced with a Silver WoC PA.
    Last edited by Bifrost; 11-09-17 at 22:25.
    Neocron Support Team
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  2. #2
    i carry a laaaazer......blade gstyle40's Avatar
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    is there a time limit to this transfer?
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  3. #3
    Huckle Beare' Doc Holliday's Avatar
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    Great idea in theory. However, does anyone really know whats in their qb etc on terra? Is there a way to view a database perhaps of the old chars? You have to delete a char (most likely) in order to move the old terran/mercurian/martian char. what happens with the naming. assuming again most people chose the same names on titan as they did for the t/m/m chars...
    Quote Originally Posted by aKe`cj View Post
    Something is wrong.
    Where are the people asking for free candy or Double-XP ?

  4. #4
    Xpertz William Antrim's Avatar
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    So you've been able to do this all this time despite telling us all otherwise? Sorry to be the cynic but this looks like a huge contradiction borne out of desperation for players rather than any kind of celebration.
    "dulce et decorum est pro patria mori"

  5. #5


    Quote Originally Posted by gstyle40 View Post
    is there a time limit to this transfer?
    The ability to transfer characters from the legacy servers is a permanent feature with no limited time restrictions.

    Quote Originally Posted by Doc Holliday View Post
    Great idea in theory. However, does anyone really know whats in their qb etc on terra? Is there a way to view a database perhaps of the old chars? You have to delete a char (most likely) in order to move the old terran/mercurian/martian char. what happens with the naming. assuming again most people chose the same names on titan as they did for the t/m/m chars...
    As a work around, you can transfer your characters to Vedeena. Which will allow you to scope out who you may or may not want to bring over to Titan.

    Finer details with regards to naming etc, are all found in the above post from Bifrost or on the transfer website.

    Quote Originally Posted by William Antrim View Post
    So you've been able to do this all this time despite telling us all otherwise? Sorry to be the cynic but this looks like a huge contradiction borne out of desperation for players rather than any kind of celebration.
    I don't think we've ever said not possible, only that at any particular point it was not planned. If anyone has, they were mistaken. Our official line on this has always been apart of our Support FAQ.
    Quote Originally Posted by Support FAQ
    I am a returning player and have logged into Neocron to discover all my characters have vanished! What has happened?

    Don't panic! The Neocron Team backed up and took all old Neocron Game Servers (Mars, Mercury & Terra) offline, shortly after taking over operation of the Neocron Service. In their place we have deployed Titan, a totally new Neocron Game Server where everyone has started from scratch. While your old character data is safe, we currently have no plans to implement character transfers.
    Granted, this is something we now need to update in due course.

    This has taken a lot of effort to implement due to the complex way in which Neocron character data is stored. Unravelling this system allows us many benefits, one of them is being able to transform the data to the newer format used on Titan which has evolved over the last five years. Another benefit is character transfers.
    Last edited by Trivaldi; 11-09-17 at 11:29.
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    Bedroom Armour Keyboard Sword Load_HeavyLoad's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Trivaldi View Post
    As a work around, you can transfer your characters to Vedeena. Which will allow you to scope out who you may or may not want to bring over to Titan.
    how do I copy terra chars to Vedeena, I can only seem to copy titan chars there at the moment

  7. #7


    Quote Originally Posted by Load_HeavyLoad View Post
    how do I copy terra chars to Vedeena, I can only seem to copy titan chars there at the moment
    [Edited - Please see the following post for an update]
    Last edited by Bifrost; 11-09-17 at 22:23.
    Neocron Support Team
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    Registered User Kalonji Faya's Avatar
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    Thanks a lot NST !!

    The character transfert worked perfectly, the only thing I don't understand is why the runners I transfered (I have done that on 2 account so far) only had 150k nc remaining on them, I remember my conster or my ppu had about 18-20 millions, but I'm sure they didn't have only 150k each

    Is it normal ?!

    Thanks a lot for all !!

    * Kalon G - Old School PPU * Kalon - Butt Plugged PPU (MIA)
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  9. #9
    Xpertz William Antrim's Avatar
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    At the NST launch we were told repeatedly it wasnt possible so crack on with the new ones. Literally everyone asked for this and was told no you cant transfer. You can search for the threads fairly easily, its not like it was one that just slipped past a few people. Every single player at the time practically was asking for it so I am not sure how it can slip peoples minds. For me personally it just looks like a really badly handled PR move. I would hazard a guess that it was done to prevent duping and clean up the database but I think it possibly could have driven off a few people who didnt want to start over. I would like to hope that there is a way of contacting those people at least - via the emails tied to the accounts if nothing more - to let them know this feature is now available. For what good it will do, everyone here knows a few more players cant hurt the population!

    It just makes it look like you either lied to us all or didnt know what you were doing. I am not sure which is more damaging. If it was me, after all of this time I would rather have kept my mouth shut and not mentioned it.

    This isnt a flame, it is mildly cynical yes but honestly what else would you expect given the details above.
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  10. #10
    English Lead Moderator, Community Consultant Nidhogg's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by William Antrim View Post
    At the NST launch we were told repeatedly it wasnt possible so crack on with the new ones. Literally everyone asked for this and was told no you cant transfer.
    It wasn't possible. Over time since then huge pieces of the backend code including all the character data structures have been re-written. So, now it is possible.
    It just makes it look like you either lied to us all or didnt know what you were doing.
    It's the exact polar opposite. Now go take advantage of it.
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    i carry a laaaazer......blade gstyle40's Avatar
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    im having an issue transferring one of my chars. everytime i try to transfer him it says "something failed" ill try sending him to vedenna to see what happens. so i assume u can transfer multiple chars to vedenna then? or is it also just 1 char?
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  12. #12


    Quote Originally Posted by Load_HeavyLoad View Post
    how do I copy terra chars to Vedeena, I can only seem to copy titan chars there at the moment
    Ok an update from my earlier post. You no longer need to do the mission on Vedeena. Just login to the transfer website and you can see and transfer any character to the Vedeena test server.

    And just to be clear if you wish to transfer a character to Titan, you must still do the CyroVault mission and you can only transfer one character per account to Titan.

    Quote Originally Posted by Kalonji Faya View Post
    The character transfert worked perfectly, the only thing I don't understand is why the runners I transfered (I have done that on 2 account so far) only had 150k nc remaining on them, I remember my conster or my ppu had about 18-20 millions, but I'm sure they didn't have only 150k each
    You are welcome. All characters transferred are given 150k cash regardless of level or previous money held on that character. I'll add that to the opening post.

    Quote Originally Posted by gstyle40 View Post
    im having an issue transferring one of my chars. everytime i try to transfer him it says "something failed" ill try sending him to vedenna to see what happens. so i assume u can transfer multiple chars to vedenna then? or is it also just 1 char?
    This isn't normal and needs to be investigated behind the scenes. Can you please drop the following information. Your account name, the server and character you was trying to transfer and to which server.
    Last edited by Bifrost; 12-09-17 at 01:35.
    Neocron Support Team
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  13. #13
    Mad Doctor mystery8's Avatar
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    This is pretty neat. I momentarily got my hopes up that maybe someone found a copy of the ancient NC1 Databases from 2004 (Pluto, Uranus, etc.). Also, Happy Birthday Neocron! I still have my original CDs
    I love it when a plan comes together.

  14. #14
    Registered User Kalonji Faya's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bifrost View Post
    You are welcome. All characters transferred are given 150k cash regardless of level or previous money held on that character. I'll add that to the opening post.
    Cheers Bifrost,

    I was a bit surprised, but I guess it's a good thing for NC economy that runners are transfered only with 150k...
    Was a bit sad but I can understand that point

    Thanks again !!

    * Kalon G - Old School PPU * Kalon - Butt Plugged PPU (MIA)
    * Kalonjo - HC Tank (MIA) * Son of Kalonjo - father's son (HC Tank)
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  15. #15
    Do-A-Dan danmalone's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Trivaldi View Post
    As a work around, you can transfer your characters to Vedeena. Which will allow you to scope out who you may or may not want to bring over to Titan.
    I wish I knew this prior to doing a transfer - I transferred a character only to find it was empty when infact I thought it had stuff within it's inv/QB, oh well. I can only hope that future/further transfers will be allowed as had I known that particular character was empty I'd have opted for something else instead

    Quote Originally Posted by Danae View Post
    [00:07:39] the other guys are the tech wizards, i just find things :P i'm like google with boobs!
    Sig stolen from nEo-1664 + Danae I guess

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