Hey guys, as you know the community has been diminishing in numbers and certain groups / people hate each other ...
but the bottom line is we all love this game and we need to be doing something about it to draw people back.
So... My idea,
Weekly OP Fights...
Starting from next wednesday the 13th September at 20:00 UK time
So the rules/Regulations:
1* : Anyone wanting to come to the event will meet up in Plaza 1 at 20:00 UK time
2* : GM's will pick teams ( to prevent people grouping up with friends)
3* : once in your team you will join the official discord channel to voice chat with your team
4* : Teams will then be told if they are attacking or defending first by the GM , If your defending you will be told what OP to GR into (which the UG will be unlocked)
5* : Attacking team will meet at OZ subway to gather vehicles to travel to the op, Bring rockets, AOE ect...
6* : Attacking team may not enter the defending teams UG as that is their safe haven. also once you are dead you are out of the event but may gr back in to spectate.
7* : once fight is over we then reverse roles and defenders will then attack and attackers will defend

Hopefully if all goes well this event will be a weekly thing, will hopefully get players to chat and make new friends and hopefully bring old people back and maybe bring some old clans back. Would be a nice way to get people chatting who never talk to eachother and to bring back the community

Cheers all