NeoFragger - Killboard
  1. #1

    Default NeoFragger - Killboard

    Hello runners,

    I’m happy to introduce my new killboard, NeoFragger!

    It aims to be the “go to” fan site for NC PvP and therefore has extended functionality built around the display of recent kills.

    Functionality includes;
    • View Runner, Location, Weapon & Faction profiles - see important stats at a glance.
    • View Leaderboards split into various categories – rise to be top of your chosen play style.
    • View Outpost and Outpost War stats – see which clans are fighting and which are coming out on top.
    • Plus more to come…

    Kills are pulled straight from the API, so all data is the same as the Official & THN versions. Due to the inclusion of Leaderboards however, some data maintenance will take place, for example repeatedly killing an alt to “boost” stats will result in those kills being removed.

    I welcome feedback and feature requests; either use the form provided on the home page, find me on discord (Name: JoshCoopster) or drop it in this thread.

    Some priority feedback would be opinions on background as this is temporary and placeholder for now, general feedback and feature requests. Please bare in mind the “Outpost Wars” is still considered alpha currently.

    Website: NeoFragger
    Twitter: NeoFragger
    Discord: Official NC

    - Check out the new NeoFragger killboard here

  2. #2


    Suicides really should be filtered out I think.

  3. #3


    Mine show in the last 100 kills simply because Official & THN do. Once they fall out of the last 100 they are removed.

    My thinking, if I don't show them, those who want to see them will just go to other sites.
    - Check out the new NeoFragger killboard here

  4. #4

    Default Site Update

    *Site Update*

    Thanks to @Zoltan for updating the API since launch last night. In light of the updates to API I've also updated NeoFragger.

    Updates include;
    - Outpost Wars - Bug Fix - Death Toll now properly being stored against each battle
    - Outpost Wars - Bug Fix - Team detection improved
    - Runner Info - Improvement - Runner info (class, clan, rank) is now also auto populated on kill / death
    - Vehicles - New Feature - Improved detection between NA & vehicle kills. Previous NA weapon kills have been retrospectively updated to vehicle where appropriate. A new vehicle leaderboard has been added.
    - General - Added more missing runner, weapon & locations for better tracking of game world activities.

    Thanks to those using the site and giving me feedback!
    Last edited by JoshCooper; 13-07-17 at 15:40. Reason: Added link
    - Check out the new NeoFragger killboard here

  5. #5
    eXodus Clan ****************** Skansy's Avatar
    Join Date
    July 2004


    i like

  6. #6
    Registered User Kalonji Faya's Avatar
    Join Date
    August 2003
    Pau (France)


    So do I, even firts version looked very web 2.0
    Good job buddy !

    * Kalon G - Old School PPU * Kalon - Butt Plugged PPU (MIA)
    * Kalonjo - HC Tank (MIA) * Son of Kalonjo - father's son (HC Tank)
    * Kalona - AK Spy (MIA) * Pat Etik -Driver Pistol Spy
    * Monsieur Smeeth - Slots Maker * Anon e-Mouse - Doomed spy
    * Kalonji Faya - Holy Hybrid (MIA) * Kal'Anjah - Blessed Hybrid

  7. #7

    Default Site Update

    *Site Update*


    Updates include;
    - Clans - New Feature - You can now check out information about the busiest clans currently in game; including numbers of members, kills, outposts held and a breakdown of their main fighting classes.

    Thanks to those using the site and giving me feedback!
    - Check out the new NeoFragger killboard here

  8. #8
    English Lead Moderator, Community Consultant Nidhogg's Avatar
    Join Date
    March 2003


    Very nice.
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