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  1. #1
    Registered User saadow's Avatar
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    New Jersey

    Default Character Profile and Player Introduction

    Hi guys, a little foreward on this post before delving in. My name is Saadow, I know it's up in the left hand corner but it's really important, to me, to be introductory and conversant. I'm a roleplayer at heart and typically, on my characters, I'm generally in character. I do kind of blur the line a little bit knowing most others are not roleplayers, but if someone is talking to me about what they're doing, I try to earnestly keep to what my character would do, what he would, or does know, and generally I try to initiate with finding information or sticking to my strengths on that character in meeting with my role. I do firmly believe the character defines the class, and not the other way around. Down below, I'm going to list my current, active character, talk about him, his motivations, and what he's been actively doing. This way if interested parties want to get involved, I'm open to that.

    I am primarily against player versus player combat, so I keep my law enforcer in, but if someone wants to take an IC action against me, feel free to PM me, DM me in game, or shoot me an in-game email. I'd invite players to utilize the information here to strike up an RP or talk with me if they like.

    Simon Hawke

    Simon has always had a proficiency for computer information systems. Prior to the event which landed him in the MC5 program, he was a wageslave that worked for Biotech Industries. He worked in their System Administration department for roughly five years, before a hacknet incident involved his near-death. Medically held in a vegetative state, Biotech sold him to the MC5 project for a return on investments, since he was on corporate medical care. A loss of most of his memories and the installation of several implants later--as the shock to his system burned through his cortex and out through his optic nerve--he had cybernetic implants set to replace his eyes. These were a budget model and convey no bonus beyond normal human vision. On leaving the project, he returned to his apartment and received contact from Tangent Technologies, which had extended him an invitation to work for their prestigious company. Opportunities like this do not present themselves to everyone, so he accepted graciously and approached for an interview. While many of his memories had been lost, certain reflections of thought came through, memories about using hacknet, and the Intrusion Countermeasure which he had faced while acting as a sysadmin, were recounted in the bits and pieces. Discovering his affinity for hacking and using hacknet, Tangent hired him on as an entry level black-hat hacker, to act for their interests.

    One thing that the human resources director noted was an almost imperceptible flash of distaste when it was mentioned that Tangent, in their history, had come from Biotech Industries. Using that as a crux to find more what motivated Simon, the company provided him with a TL-30 Hack Tool, and used sensors to gain output on his explorations on Hacknet originally. Using that, they suggested he explore the other faction DNS servers.

    As he has recovered from both the MC5 project, and worked further and further in Hacknet, he discovered more and more--through memories and personal development--just why he had such a distaste for Biotech. Learning the truth about what happened to him, he felt that after years of working for them, to be so discarded was truly appalling. On his personal time, he has been attacking the Biotech DNS server, under the alias, "Kasparov." He's been difficult to catch, coming through bounced connections, and none on the trail maintained any logs of those who accessed them. All that Biotech has been able to ascertain is that the connection routes through Tangent Technologies DNS server, usually before arriving there. Internally, Tangent is aware of Simon's personal crusade to fight their once-parent company, and takes no measures to stop him; their interests playing rather well with his own.

    Simon's goal and interest is to become one of the best hacknet hackers to work this side of Neocron. His motivation is the downfall of Biotech Industries, and actively leverages his talent against them to almost any degree he can. He doesn't extend this hatred to runners working for the company, he was like them once upon a time. It's been suggested Simon has even considered organizing with a group of runners to try and attack the main Biotech building, from his occasional napkin doodles up at the Tangent cafe. Purely hypothetical stuff, or is it?

    The most recent event concerning Simon of importance was a particularly rousing run against the Biotech DNS server, he had attacked their high-security Datastore and crashed it entirely. Though he was not able to fight off the Kernel Daemon, this action has certainly turned some heads in Biotech Industries, while hacknet attacks are not unheard of, to know a hacker was that close to their encrypted classified data is likely sending some word up through the ranks. Just before that, the Biotech Industries Database suffered a denial of service attack for over thirty minutes; an incredible amount of time in the technology of today.


    You can almost be assured to find "Kasparov" on Hacknet. He's usually in the Tangent DNS server, or he's attacking the Biotech DNS server. Rarely, Simon will be found out and about, either socializing, or desperately trying to remember where Cryton tech-tools is in the Plaza.

  2. #2
    freedom for neocron! Torg's Avatar
    Join Date
    March 2003


    Excellent. They're saying that Neocron is a harsh mistress, and sustaining a life in the city of broken dreams is no easy task. Although i'm not perfectly happy to see you working for Tangent, a close ally to the oppressive City Admin regime, i wish you luck and fortune to your travels.

  3. #3
    Registered User saadow's Avatar
    Join Date
    September 2014
    New Jersey


    Hey. you know, from human being to human being, I understand that position, I really do. I can't deny they put bread on my table, it's really their table, but life is a winding road, a lot of twists and turns go on in that, so who knows? My luck and fortune may not necessarily be in the same direction as Tangents, but I won't know that until I get there. Still, likewise to you, maybe we'll run into each other out there!

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