1. #1

    Default Current issues with pistol/rifle balance

    Liberator (TL91) does more damage(by a LOT) and DPS than weapons of a much higher TL(and WoC). A tank is currently using the Liberator and doing a fine job in PVP. What needs to happen is the Reaper Rifle, and the Baby AK, and a many other energy weapons need to be brought up to standard. Let's face it, there are a ton of weapons that have been gimped for a while now compared to other weapons. SWAT backup pistol, and Freeman are also really terrible. For as hard as the quests are in DoY those weapons suck.

    The weapons haven't been normalized with the last patch, but the flavors of the month have changed. This is an issue considering weapons of higher TL should do more damage, or DPS, and they don't.

    More extensive testing needs to go into weapons, and the GMs or Devs need to pull a group of people to just test each rifle/pistol against real players and get raw numbers and go from there.

    I know the goal of the normalizing, and it's a great idea, but to do that all things need to remain functional.(was a very old idea of mine) Currently, we have a lot of weapons still not functional in a PVP setting, which is defeating the entire purpose of normalizing anything. All we did is switch the flavor of the month.

    Another issue, which needs to be addressed is: I'm a PE, even going down to a TL 91 weapon with my implants and such...changes next to nothing about my character. I don't gain any more defense, I can't use a higher grade armor, I can do nothing. I can't sacrifice damage(lol not in this case) for defense. Why? I hope we can get to a point where any class can sacrifice defense for offense for speed and all around.

    I volunteer my services, because this stuff is getting old. Really old.
    Last edited by Model192; 15-08-14 at 16:44.
    <-December 2001, do you see that?

  2. #2


    Do you really mean DPS = damage per shot or DPM = damage per minute. The current balancing patch intended to adjust the damage per minute by the tech level. As higher the tech level is as higher is the damage per minute. Some weapons have a fast frequency and do less DPS because the calculated DPM should be the same as a weapon of the same class with a lower frequency. The next thing is that weapons that you need to reload more times than other weapons do more DPS because the reload time and how many times you have to reload affect the DPM as well.

  3. #3
    Xpertz William Antrim's Avatar
    Join Date
    November 2005


    Quote Originally Posted by Massaker View Post
    Do you really mean DPS = damage per shot or DPM = damage per minute. The current balancing patch intended to adjust the damage per minute by the tech level. As higher the tech level is as higher is the damage per minute. Some weapons have a fast frequency and do less DPS because the calculated DPM should be the same as a weapon of the same class with a lower frequency. The next thing is that weapons that you need to reload more times than other weapons do more DPS because the reload time and how many times you have to reload affect the DPM as well.
    Even using this slight variable in recording you shouldnt see massive differences. No weapon takes more than a couple of seconds to reload. This shouldnt skew the value too much.
    "dulce et decorum est pro patria mori"

  4. #4


    Quote Originally Posted by Massaker View Post
    Do you really mean DPS = damage per shot or DPM = damage per minute. The current balancing patch intended to adjust the damage per minute by the tech level. As higher the tech level is as higher is the damage per minute. Some weapons have a fast frequency and do less DPS because the calculated DPM should be the same as a weapon of the same class with a lower frequency. The next thing is that weapons that you need to reload more times than other weapons do more DPS because the reload time and how many times you have to reload affect the DPM as well.

    DPS = Damage per second.
    <-December 2001, do you see that?

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