1. #16


    Was there any more info on the researching of rare parts and specifically the failing and breaking of those rare parts? There was a thread about it and I'm not sure if the issue was resolved. The whole patch looks good though

  2. #17
    Roger Ramjet Fanboy Number 1 RogerRamjet's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Faid View Post
    Was there any more info on the researching of rare parts and specifically the failing and breaking of those rare parts? There was a thread about it and I'm not sure if the issue was resolved. The whole patch looks good though
    Res working fine.

  3. #18


    Quote Originally Posted by Faid View Post
    Was there any more info on the researching of rare parts and specifically the failing and breaking of those rare parts? There was a thread about it and I'm not sure if the issue was resolved. The whole patch looks good though
    That issue is fixed. I've done some testing as well this afternoon, no fails yet.
    Neocron Support Team
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  4. #19

  5. #20

    Default SL and " secret "

    Repair about Soullight and if we can we need the " secret " again..

    when u kill someone by accident u have to do like 30 missions to down it ..

    please we need the sl up when u are afk...

  6. #21
    Registered User Agent L's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Flamenka View Post
    Repair about Soullight and if we can we need the " secret " again..

    when u kill someone by accident u have to do like 30 missions to down it ..

    please we need the sl up when u are afk...
    SL not regenerating was done intentionally.
    They worked hard to make SL NOT regen...

  7. #22


    'Apartment Access Code If' objects have been renamed to 'Apartment Access Interface'.

    Seems to be that those into apartments still got the same name ('Apartment Access Code If').

    And what about changing the name of interface near the door of apartments ? ('Access/Communicator If' and 'Access Door If').
    Last edited by Fasterbot; 29-09-13 at 22:00.

  8. #23


    On the Twilight Guardian Missions

    Very Easy:

    Small Scorpions - not a problem, they are like everywhere, easy to find

    Bat - did not find that one very often, would spawn them more often (maybe use some that don't attack and put them freely in the canyon itself) - or change for vultures

    Small Gnawer, Wee Cavecrawler - not a problem

    Small Poisonsnake - if you know where to find them, not a problem..

  9. #24


    On the Twilight Guardian Missions


    Mutant Corporal - Spawning outside at E_13 very frequently, not a problem

    Mutant Warrior - See above

    Aggressor - Spawning outside at the pit too, only 1 spawnplace that's shared with Agressor Captain appearently - still for a "normal" mission good enough. It's not the aggressor cellars in P1/P2, but i don't think more should be added right now

    Poisonous Plant - Change this to Big Lizard or Mutated Viper (quite more often to find)

  10. #25


    On the new Canyon Caves

    At first it all was like ... meh... some new caves... nothing new at all. When now i visited the level 8 cave, i was positively thrilled for all the new players to level there. Lots and lots of enemies, ideal for grenade launchers, pistol rockets or barrels.

    When i got on to the level 12 cave, i must say: you nailed it. This is the spirit of the canyon. Lots and lots and lots of (for small players) hard enemies and fun all around. If i had to chose one cave to be imprisoned in, this would be it.

    Thinking about it, the canyon needs even higher level caves for level 30, 50 and 70 enemies. Just throwing this idea in, because i know how much fun it was to level at the caves outside of the canyon with an big team. Midlevel caves would give players another opportunity of reganing that experience. The highlevel caves are not very midlevel-friendly anymore, that's why there are not many players anymore.

    I used to level there from x/10 with little support of the team's PPUs. Now i die even as x/50 very quickly. Yet this is something for Sparta and has been addressed at the Meet and Greet this evening already.

    All in all I'm very optimistic about that caves, especially that level 8 and 12 ones. Make bigger Iguanas, like double the Big Iguana ones

  11. #26
    Bitter Old Fart Dribble Joy's Avatar
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    There's a mutant camp and a reaperspider cluster in E_13 for those too high for the caves.

  12. #27


    Superb job revamping the TG canyon guys ! It feels like Neocron 1 again As lawless said, the caves are perfect. I found some nice loot in the last hackbox in the level 12 cave. The mix of vendors seems good. I think I spotted all the bones and level 2 implants. I agree with lawless a level 20 - 40 cave / cellar with some mutie and cyclops mobs would be good.

    The only thing the canyon could do with to finish it off is a higher res texture for the canyon walls.

    The mutie leveling area just outside the TG canyon is great. Wicked for running missions. I wonder what is in that hackbox? My 80 skill in hacking was too low to find out The solitary wolf / reaper spider spawn is a nice add as I can pull it towards the TG guards if it's frying me (the spider, not the wolf )

    I will try to explore the surrounding zones tomorrow.

    Fantastic job devs
    Planet Bliss - Chilled Electronic

  13. #28
    freedom for neocron! Torg's Avatar
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    please check: i shot and hacked 10 warbots (incl. w-titans) and got 1 tech part from that. bad luck? firemob tech drop seems to be normal.

  14. #29
    it's Dy-No-Mite!! jj dynomite's Avatar
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    Yeah...just bad luck. I got about 20 out of 35 on Sunday.

  15. #30
    eXodus Clan ****************** Skansy's Avatar
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    July 2004


    whats up with the Faction Warzone?
    4. Hack "All secruitylevel resetted" or something like that ... i play on german xD

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