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  1. #12


    • Check if you run "Neocron" on the right graphic adapter
    • Did you have NVIDIA OPTIMUS? Use the forum search there is a solution
    • Check if "ENABLELOGS" is activated in the NEOCRON.INI -> deactivate this
    • Try to force the Client to use a single core of your cpu. You can do this in the taskmanager

    To explain the "Neocron runs on my old System better than... blah".

    Neocron was created in 1998 there were no multicore cpus except some pentium pro cpus.

    The client is using multithreading but optimized for one single core. For a better understanding: "Multithreading" means in the theory to work on multiple tasks at the same time. On single core PCs the cpu is switching fast between all the "threads" but there is no real parallelism. Its still a syncronous process which grant some special timing possibilites between 2 or more threads. (Thread A is ready at the same time like Thread B).

    On multicore cpus a problem called "race condition" raises more often. Multicore processors are providing a REAL parallism because each thread is assigned to a different core. Unfornatunatly this will lead to the circumstance that Thread A is ready but Thread B is still working... Thread A have to wait for a resyncronization. I don't need to tell you that a "resync" will cost some cpu time and you'll Encounter some of the freezes, stutters or simple low fps.

    In the worst case Thread B has to provide some information that Thread A need to complete the work. This will end up in a crash ;(
    Last edited by Zoltan; 22-05-13 at 02:28.
    Management • Development • Server Administration
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    N E O C R O N - G A M E . C O M

    »What do you hear? - Nothing but the rain. «

    »I felt a great disturbance in the Force, as if hundreds of voices suddenly cried out in terror and were suddenly silenced. I fear something terrible has happened.« - server crash


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