1. #1
    Veteran Castr0's Avatar
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    June 2005

    Default Construction missions

    I had an idea I thought I could post in here.

    Make construction missions runnable like research missions.

    How to do this ?
    Let the BPs of research missions be the same you need for the construction missions (TL150 construction mission require TL150 research mission BP)
    The construction missions should now need regular parts (like armor parts or weaponparts ...).

    You need a cool research boy to get you lots of BPs (which make it still harder to run const mission than research missions) but you'll get BPs back in the end.
    When you start the construction mission, the NPC only give you the BP you need, you'll get the parts by yourself. You construct the item.
    You only need to give back to the NPC the constructed item.

    --> Exemple :
    You start with 30 BPs of TL150, you buy the parts and build the 30 items in a row.
    You run the 30* missions by only speaking to NPCs and giving the items you built before.
    You end up with cash/XP and 30 new BPs given by the NPC.

    What do you think of it ?

    I always thought it was easier to level a researcher than a constructer since you can do all your research one day and run the missions laters.
    For construction, you have to do it at the same time, why is that ?
    I behave as a signature

  2. #2


    Can't you do this already? Just get the bp of a tl150 cst mission researched x times and then construct them all at once.

    Of course you're better off just getting tl150 research missions because of the greater reward in credits, maybe in exp too, I'm not sure.

  3. #3


    If you make a researcher the first brain imp that helps you is the tech haven (FA epic have to be /45) since the other two brain imps that help research are rare part (special science and hawking) and in total there is only research glove, advanced spine and those three brain imps that are helpful to research.

    Construction on the other hand you can easily get the construction 1/2/3 chips which together give +45 construction as well as a construction glove and advanced nerves so its much easier to get construction skill higher so you can get over 200 cst without going to an op so there is no real need to visit an op for construction missions.

    So I think its intentional that researchers go to op's and constructors don't.

    As to the XP a research mission gives INT for the researching and then 1.3k to all skills for the cashing. Construction gives INT,DEX (and STR for some reason) and 1.3k for cashing so if your not intending to level as a fighter and LOM i would say construction missions are better for a CST as you'll need that DEX for build quality.

    Forgot about Money - on the money front

    At the moment it takes my 211 resser (at op with blue fairy) 85 res sub to make 1 TL 150 BP, so 255 (2 packs which brought at the op are 5k each, so 10k with 145 sub left over) to make 3 to earn 30k for the mission.

    (assuming no failures which even at high res will happen but will make the maths complicated so ignoring for now)

    At the moment it takes my 228 constructor (at faction HQ no drug) 85 cst grease to do 1 TL 150 cst mission so that's 2 missions per 8k pack of 200 which means 20k profit and a bit of grease left over.

    (again assuming no failures, since we assuming no failures for both res and cst they should cancel each other out)


    CST = 20k profit per 2 missions with no GRing
    Res = 20k profit (enough res sub left over for 1 more BP) and the GR fee

    So to be honest its about the same if your doing the trade skilling yourself.
    Last edited by Eternal Pink; 13-04-13 at 12:16.

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