1. #16


    The main problem is when there is no pokers around, or no one around at all really. This happens quite often at night. If you're on the west coast of the US at 8pm then it is 4am over there in Europe where the majority of people playing this game are. Implants are an essential part of leveling and are detrimental to the process, researching is not.

  2. #17


    We have enough pokers in game.

    I disagree eith this idea.

  3. #18


    Quote Originally Posted by William Antrim View Post
    The short answer however is that it would kill the poking trade. Therefore, no.
    This, exactly.

    I actually considered the pros and cons of this possibility the other day when I was frustrated after having died, and almost immediately came to the exact same conclusion. The need to re-implant people after death is the only reason we can almost always find someone willing to assist poking us in the first place. It's a subtle but brilliant way for the devs to ensure there will be people willing to have characters with the Implant skill, beyond the rare specialist.

    Were we to remove implants falling out on death, your waits to get newly purchased implants put in would become far, far longer than what Spaceshotx7 experienced last night. Not to mention how the tipping dynamic would change for them. o_o;

    On the bright side, this post does highlight an opening in the market for a late night poker to earn some tips. Hint Hint.
    [Terra] Jake Armitage / Scott Grathius

    "Reality sucks; that's why people play games."

  4. #19


    This idea is retarded
    Bicceh - PPU
    Digestivebiscuit - Pistol PE
    Roy Walker - Researching God

  5. #20
    NC2 were u fight bugs from NC1
    Join Date
    June 2003


    Maybe this just helps highlight the issues brought in with 2.2. It used to be that you could afford to spec implant skill as a PE due to the fact you didn't need to spec every single point of INT into weapon lore to be effective. PE's these days are next to extinct but a lot of spies will on spec enough Imant to used what ever the highest Nanite tool they use requires.

    2.2 forced everyone to specialise in order to be combat effective.

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