1. #91


    We have no intention to change item stats prior to the balancing.
    Please keep this thread free of "change item xy to value xz" chatter.
    Thank you

  2. #92
    DarK fo life bitchs! Genji's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mokoi View Post
    We have no intention to change item stats prior to the balancing.
    Please keep this thread free of "change item xy to value xz" chatter.
    Thank you
    ok I'll drop it, but you better not forget it when you get around to doing this "balancing"! Whoever decided to change it to what it is now should be ashamed of themselves. >.>
    GENJI 4 PRESIDENT 2012 2016

  3. #93
    für einen freien Geist Deus Ex Machina's Avatar
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    Some Patch Feedback:
    Migration of mobs in shore sectors to the shore and further offshore (at least in the northern sectors) seems to have stopped.

    Also Warbots have increased their threat, shooting more often if you are partially in cover (houses, hills) and such things. They are still a bit inefficent though, their energy cannon more so then the rockets (I noticed that they use their rocket launcher more often than the cannon when I am above them, makes sense though since the launcher is mounted on the shoulder, the energycannon in the hand).

    It also seems Spiderbots are a bit less dangerous now, they are missing the occasional shot more often.
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  4. #94


    Thank you Deus Ex Machina.

    All, please continue to report issues as you experience them. Last night's Hot Fix should improve a number of things and we need to be sure these improvements are working. Keep testing and keep reporting. Comments on improvements since the hot fix are also helpful
    Neocron Support Team
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  5. #95
    Loving Titan L0KI's Avatar
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    Couple of observations after 40 mins of running about and killing people. Sorry to the guys that were ganked

    - Clipping seems minimal. Didn't see a single clip in all the fights I had.

    - Not sure if it was intended (or is a coincidence), but zoning seems extremely fast. I actually zoned from P3 to PP1 without even seeing a Sync screen. Honestly, the fastest I have ever zoned. Could this be related to the netcode changes?

    - Went to Regeants, mobs no longer flying through walls

    - Made a couple of big trades, and quick cash trades, all seemed fine.

    So far I haven't found any negatives with this latest version. Still testing though.

  6. #96
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    Quote Originally Posted by L0KI View Post
    - Not sure if it was intended (or is a coincidence), but zoning seems extremely fast. I actually zoned from P3 to PP1 without even seeing a Sync screen. Honestly, the fastest I have ever zoned.
    Wow. I'd really like to login now to see this myself but I am at work

  7. #97


    I did ~ 30 crafts since the hotfix, no items transforming into the wrong things. but that could be luck or low load, but it did happen a lot prior.

    (also wow my first post since 07)

  8. #98
    Registered User nabbl's Avatar
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    gonna be testing later on if it should still be required.

  9. #99
    Veteran Castr0's Avatar
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    First, I don't think I have taken the time to thanks the dev team for all their work. So thanks a lot. I have came back in Neocron (I stopped about 3 years ago and in my despiteness, I have even tried WoW ...) and I enjoy it a lot !!

    I have been playing a bit yesterday. I went in the waste on my quad, hunt a few warbot. I haven't noticed any particular problems.
    Today I fought with Zoltan in Plaza (and killed him so many times before I woke up) :
    - Clipping seems fixed.
    - I do think the game is becoming better and better.
    - Please revive APU and hybrids !

    PS : Neocron 2.2 rocks (if you go in details, things were not better before, your imagination makes you think so !)
    I behave as a signature

  10. #100
    für einen freien Geist Deus Ex Machina's Avatar
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    After playing against Warbots now a while I have to say their damage now seems more manageable. Might be because it is "processed" faster and the "far down, jumps up again" is far less, but it doesn't seem to kill now after two shots, still can't hold too many shots, but thats to be expected with my resists and Armor.
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  11. #101
    That Guy
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    Not sure if it is patch related or not but I noticed a rather high frequency of characters mis-load last night. You zone into or out of P1 (mostly) and end up with another players character entirely (stats, inventory, the works). This meant that suddenly my gogo was a combination of the other players and my own. A relog fixes it, but in about 6 hours worth of gaming I ran into this 4 times, which seems a lot higher than what I usually experience.

    EDIT: The patch notes makes mention of fixing a bug that caused mobs to retreat, but this behaviour once again seem actually be more frequent than otherwise - Mostly noticed slaughtering rats in P1 sewers. Unfortunately I have no hard data on this one.

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