Quote Originally Posted by L0KI View Post
Quick off topic bit :

Calm yourself down, Walker. I was sort of day-dreaming about possibilities, I was hardly completely serious. It's certainly not something that should be implemented into the current NC.


Back on topic :

When it was first pitched to me back in the day, WoC was intended to be a style thing; a claim to fame; just another way of showing people how cool you were.

Your overall point here, Model, is something I also feel very strongly about.

I've campaigned for the old models back. I've campaigned for a change in the fonts (as even the character name adds to it). I've campaigned for far more weapons to be made viable. I've also campaigned for the ability to be able to change the colour of my clothes again. I've even gone as far as crying for NO PA.


My wishes for these changes were all in the interests of aesthetics.

When I remember back to the 'legends' you speak of, I remember;

Hivemind with his white hair, sunglasses and pain easer.
XaNToR, the African American guy dressed in dark purple clothing using a purple-beemed RoG.

I could go on, but I think I have made my point. My memories of legends were based around a number of things; not just their ability.

Neocron lost a huge part of its charm when these things were taken away. Whilst I agree with you that WoC is a contributing factor, I believe the other aspects are equally to blame.


The issues here are two-fold. One, we have an absolute imbalance in weaponry, resulting in vast amounts of clones, and two, we are literally and aesthetically clones of one another.

Biggest immersion killer NC has seen, in my opinion.

Yup. Totally. Heres my ten cents. my two cents is free.