1. #1
    Registered User Strife's Avatar
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    August 2001

    Default Revert Warbot's tech drop-rate to pre-2.0

    First off, a lot of this is dated knowledge and some of current knowledge that's been obtained from asking players currently active and not witnessed first hand by myself.

    I'd like the warbot tech-part drop-rate to be returned to it's previous value(or close to) prior to the 'nerf' that occured a few years back(3-4 best guess).

    Argument: I firmly believe the drop rate change that happened years ago to warbots was a mistake or an over compensated tweak that was never re-evaluated.. Tech part hunting was and is a large part of the game, putting in the old drop rate would open up a larger variety of locations that we can hunt techs. It will not be made any easier to obtain them, it just lets people have their preference in what to kill, and if desired a change of pace from killing fire or mc5 mobs all day.

    Nostalgia argument: As many may remember prior to MC5 items, the endgame weapon content was obtained via tech parts. Possibly the only means at the time was by Warbots, for ~6 years this was the norm. I can't speak for the many others, but when I remember fond times of Neocron I think of Warbot hunting with friends. They seemed a bit harder back then, but it was always good team effort and screaming "It's going to kill me, get it off!" as you run for cover that brought them down.

    Before outposts were implemented this was end game content for us. When outposts were in, this is what a lot of us did on our downtime. This was a large part of the game to me, and i'm hoping many others. Sure I can go kill them now, they aren't removed from the game. However, I love hunting techs. If I'm going to do it it'd rather do it out in the open, exploring the vast wastelands. Not in some cramped tunnel or base.

    I'm sucked back in, no regrets.

  2. #2
    Slaving over Sony Vegas CMaster's Avatar
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    First off, the warbot tech drop rate nerf was more recent than that. Either 2.2, or even later, around the faction rework patch.

    Secondly, I think restoring the drop rate to it's old level would be a mistake. Warbots are rather easy to farm with a good rifle or cannon, just sitting endleslly out of range. And they dropped techs faster than everything else. AS a result, warbot hunting was pretty much the exclusive way of getting tech parts. Now, people go off chasing firemobs, or decayed horrors/brutes etc a lot more, more variety. What I would happily support however, is adjusting the tech drop rate of warbots (and of Y reps, hovereyes, any other outdoor appropriate level mob) so that the typical tech collected rate is the same regardless of hunting type. So tech collecting from firemobs is (roughly) equally as viable as warbotting. So that y-rep hunting is actually worth the damn effort. Etc.

  3. #3
    Registered User Strife's Avatar
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    See, my knowledge is a bit dated. From what I remember there wasn't anything around to out-range Warbots. I do support your idea to make it on-par with Firemobs. Which should have been my argument from the start, as Warbots don't exactly need to be set how they used to be -exactly-, just to the point where they're a viable method of tech hunting.

  4. #4


    All my fond memories come from spending HOURS sniping, droning and punching Warbots with clans/friends for tech parts. The only memories i have of other mobs for tech parts is camping spots in caves and doing AOE damage while half asleep.

    I agree with Stryfe. Bring Warbots back into the Neocron culture again. Make them relevant again.

  5. #5
    Huckle Beare' Doc Holliday's Avatar
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    Yes. Boost the drops for warbots but dont make it retardedly too much. I still love the fact that 100/100s guarentee a rare drop but some could do with damage tweaks so it encourages people to go off and fight different things rather than everyone on firemobs all the time. Caves also could be used to drop techs (maybe) but not something like it used to be in the woc tunnels where would come out with 100 million techs in just half an hour.

    strife. Im in the same boat as you. sucked back in hard
    Quote Originally Posted by aKe`cj View Post
    Something is wrong.
    Where are the people asking for free candy or Double-XP ?

  6. #6


    jeah please make warbots strong again. I do remember hunting them, too and it really was a fun challenge.
    I'd suggest that at least two players are needed to get a warbot down, if they are really good.

    if they turn out to be stronger than other high lvl mobs this way, adjust their drop rate accordingly.

    but yes, this needs work.

    *thinking of wb hunting with a rhino, back then ...

  7. #7
    freedom for neocron! Torg's Avatar
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    From what i remember from early 2.2, tech part drop rate on warbots is like 1 part in 6 kills. yes, firemobs do drop more parts, but are likely to be of higher combat rank. i wouldnt mind turning the firemob droprate down a little bit, but warbots should stay this way. remember, theyre slow, stupid and have limited firing range, so easy game.

  8. #8


    I'd prefer the droprates of all wasteland mobs to be adjusted like CMaster said. ATM hunting firemobs is that much mor efficient, that even if you like hunting warbots more, noone does it because its just inefficient.
    And yes, warbots may be easy to kill if you know how to snipe and take cover, but firemobs are just as easy with the same tricks, only you have to shoot them longer because they have higher health, but if you do it right, you won t get into serious trouble.
    And about droprates in caves, I would like it most if mobs in caves wouldn t drop any parts at all, even the bosses. The reason is, that those bossrooms are too easily exploitable and are camped all the time.

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