...but only after it comes knocking on their door!
With the aid of S.T.O.R.M. Bots, the NCPD seemed to be holding their own for a while, even with little runner support.
This Copbot's IFF system seems to have malfunctioned, as he planted a plasma burst right into the back of a S.T.O.R.M. Bot's cranial unit.
The Copbots' flawed design came back to bite them as the attackers began to overrun the NCPD forces.
Without reinforcements, it seemed to be over for the NCPD.
I retreated back to cover and got pinned down in a corridor with a couple of other runners. I didn't last long, even as just one of the hostiles rushed for the kill.
I write this now from a freshly replicated body, safe in my TH apartment. As far as I know, NCPD is now run by the attackers, whoever they are.
I wonder how long Tech Haven will be safe..