Where do we come from? Do we even know all about our history?
I don’t think so, because there are still gaps in our history, unaccounted for and forgotten.
Well I am glad to tell you, one of these gaps has been filled.
I've been personally informed by a N.E.X.T employee, that they have found some historic artefacts down in the subway tunnels, during the regular repair tasks.
This information made me curious. I wanted to know what N.E.X.T had found. I did not give up until I was able to get an interview with Mr. TribeholZ, the new faction Chairman of N.E.X.T and CEO of FREAK Brothers Inc.
Well I can say it is really amazing what they found down there.
Here a small excerpt from the interview with Mr. TribeholZ:
“Mr. TribeholZ is it true N.E.X.T has found historical artefacts down in the Subway tunnels below our City?”
“Correct that’s the truth. We've found, during support tasks in a tunnel below the Outzone, some bones, old weapons and old junk.
BUT our Field service staff dug out some awesome artefact aswell.
At first look it seemed like we have found another mass grave from Thor's tribe, murdered and buried by Crahn.
“Oh my God more graves!? Every Crahn has to burn!”
“ *smiles*
We handled it really carefully, pulled out every single piece and there it was, a huge Statue of a warrior with some text on it.
Panem et Circences
May the bravest win
This words made our scientists curious so they digged deeper and found more information.
“Don’t hold it back tell us everything”
“Well it wasn't a burial-place. Hell no it was a place for tournaments we found.
Thor's soldiers made public fights in there to keep active and be well trained.
Yes! it was public. Everyone where able to see the battles.
“ But they made “fake” fights?!
“ Oh no!all the bones tell us they had fights for life or death. No fakes.
“But isn't that stupid? This would drop the soldier amount rapidly. Why the hell should Thor allow something like that?
“Well I am not clear about Thors' reasons for such deadly games. All I can say that games happened really often and for a long time.
I've spoken to my buddy Garfield, he's a Tangent Tech Soldier. I told him all the stuff what we've found and what it is ect ect.
I asked him why should a soldier take part at such Games, risk his life for nothing.
*grinses again* oh my god he got such a weird shining in his eyes and just said:
"Fights?! Hm games you said!? Till death….. hm…. I have to sit down and think….. brabelbrabel.. hm can you order a pizza please I can't think when I starve hm games……"
*laughs* He left me even before the pizzaboi kanedax arrived. There came no answer from Garfield yet. He is a Gentank. I am not sure if his mind can handle that kind of information
*TribeholZ phones rings*
“Aloha, yes REALY!? Ok am on the way”
Sorry but we have to interrupt the interview. The supervisory board need my attendance at a major meeting. Contact my secretary for another date so we can continue.
“ Of course I will.thank you for the interview Mr TribeholZ and good luck for your job as Chairman”
So now we see there are many more things about the history of Neocron we don’t know yet.
Hopefully someday we can fill more gaps in History.