close chrome or disable it's flash plugin

close chrome or disable it's flash plugin
ingame names: Biglines (dissy spy), Mr Tool (low tech tank), Engineer Tool (constructor), Medical Tool (ppu/hacker/poker), Father Tool (apu)
Thanks for the reply. Closed chrome completely and tried again.
Still locks up on the warning loading screen both windowed and full screen.
Also Iv just restarted, and killed all other programs.
well you could try killing processes one by one till it works, then reboot and only close that one process
ingame names: Biglines (dissy spy), Mr Tool (low tech tank), Engineer Tool (constructor), Medical Tool (ppu/hacker/poker), Father Tool (apu)
Closing Chrome worked for me also. Didnt think the internet browser would screw up NC. I just reopen Chrome once the NC Client is logged in.
Still working away on this. Slow trial and error.
Are there any other known W7 issues?
I've actually never had an issue aside from chrome (win7 64bit), and I don't even run it in administrator, just from a different drive.
ingame names: Biglines (dissy spy), Mr Tool (low tech tank), Engineer Tool (constructor), Medical Tool (ppu/hacker/poker), Father Tool (apu)
I'm playing on Windows 7 I just opened my firewall and a port for neocron 2 and run in administration and that was it I'm now in game with my old account thanks again Neocron Support![]()
I really discourage anyone from running games with administrative rights.
Setup and patching with administrative rights is okay, but not the usual operating =
gaming session. I personally consider games, which demand administrative rights,
as "massively broken by design". Some months ago i returned such a game to the online
seller, although he said, he took it back by goodwill.
Luckily Neocron 2 is able to run with normal user privileges. Just install NC2 within
any other folder than "C:\program files" or "c:\program files (x86)" (or similar). For
example "c:\my_games\" with r/w rights for any user would be fine.
It's working fine that way within Windows 7 64bit.
Satzzeichen absichtlich wegzulassen ist gegenüber dem Leser eine grobe Unhöflichkeit, da es das Lesen des Textes massiv erschwert.
well neocron has always been broken, but the point is that modern games use the user folder to store data, while old game use the game's install path to store, which leads to the current games requiring admin mode to do certain things taht used to be normal
ingame names: Biglines (dissy spy), Mr Tool (low tech tank), Engineer Tool (constructor), Medical Tool (ppu/hacker/poker), Father Tool (apu)
disabling visual themes running compatibility mode xp sp3 and running as admin should get it going
For old games, this is right: They tend to write into their installation directory.
Thus this games need to be installed outside the official "installation paths";
and this path needs full r/w access for all users. This is the only reasonable
solution. Doing it this way enables running it without admin rights.
Running something with administrative rights means, giving that "something"
full access to the whole system(!). This is a "no go!". Example: If the launcher
of "something" loads malicious code, because of the server being hacked,
you are screwed. Have a look into the IT-News. This happenes more often,
than you suppose it to happen. (and forget about "total protection" by your
antivirus-products, it can't). And think about bugs. As long as an application
has restricted rights, the possible damage being done is also restricted.
Unfortunatelly a few game developers or resellers of modern games obiously
don't give a shit on such security considerations. Their support also doesn't
care, because their Questian&Answer-List says "run as admin", and then your
ticket is "solved".
Please don't run non-system-applications as admin.
Solve the problem, don't cure the symptoms by lowering security.
Back to topic:
Neocron 2 has been proven to be running without admin rights within W7
64bit with UAC & DEP enabled, separate instalation folder, windowed mode.
While the problem still seems ongoing, i *suppose* the following:
- The separate installation folder does not have full w/r access for the user who launches NC
- A thirs party software interferes with the neocron processes
Last edited by Zefrian; 19-04-12 at 13:22.
Satzzeichen absichtlich wegzulassen ist gegenüber dem Leser eine grobe Unhöflichkeit, da es das Lesen des Textes massiv erschwert.
Lol anti virus software, you crack me up.Originally Posted by Zefrian
Running the launcher in admin mode will in no way give you malicious software attack, unless you downloaded it from a malicious source and someone did something illegal to it.
In fact, it will probably provide some additional stability, or it has for me!
In order to avoid misunderstanding: Today's game-launcher are loading HTML-Pages for advertising and news, which are rendered internally with browser engines. Therefore you're downloading something from external.Originally Posted by Chuck Norris
I was not speaking of launchers, which only simply show some setting buttons.
Satzzeichen absichtlich wegzulassen ist gegenüber dem Leser eine grobe Unhöflichkeit, da es das Lesen des Textes massiv erschwert.
Helped me turn off Skype.
the .exe I got from Fileplanet, Dome of York and Tech haven Network are corrupted. When I execute the file, I am greeted with a corrupt file warning and cannot go any further. I am currently dling the set up file from filefront.
Any suggestions/help/wishes of good luck?
I have an old neocron 2.1 retail box. Will that one work just fine? It is still in the shrink wrap when I bought it for a penny off of lol. I don't know if it is out of date or something.