Neocron on Windows Vista, 7 & 8 - Page 5
  1. #61


    Quote Originally Posted by Hell-demon
    Yeah and you seem to have more memory than me. Before I installed Neocron on my laptop I checked this thread to see if there were probs. So I installed the game to a different directory just drive c: and set the compatability mode to xp. I think I manually donwloaded the patches from tech

    Had no problems with it.
    There's no need to manually download updates with what you've already done.

  2. #62


    Thanks for your contribution Rob.

    Also, whatever my issue with Vista was is now irrelevant, since apparently it only affects me and I'm now running a different shitty excuse for an operating system. ò_ó
    Thanks to everyone for trying to help.

  3. #63


    Quote Originally Posted by flib
    Thanks for your contribution Rob.

    Also, whatever my issue with Vista was is now irrelevant, since apparently it only affects me and I'm now running a different shitty excuse for an operating system. ò_ó
    Thanks to everyone for trying to help.
    Sorry, flib. The thread was merged and it was in my User CP from a different issue, so I didn't read through all the posts.

    I'll read through the thread and see if I can help.

    EDIT: It's not an issue I've encountered before.

    But you said you restored your laptop, and Neocron once again worked. Over time it stopped working, and the only thing that changed were Windows Updates, correct? Was SP1 one of those updates? I haven't had any difficulties with SP1 myself, but it changes quite a bit, and might narrow things down.

    Some other things: The Neocron installer taking a long time to do anything is normal behavior. Laptop drivers are harder to find, but if you want the latest (albeit beta), I can point out some good links. Especially if SP1 was installed, that may have updated your drivers as well, which might not be a good version.
    Last edited by Rob01m; 11-10-08 at 17:03.

  4. #64


    Well, like I said, it's all good now. I have gotten rid of Vista and installed XP, so Neocron now runs on the laptop, I just can't get it to go through the firewall.
    (Although, my friend in the IT department is working on trying to get it setup so I can play it)

  5. #65


    Unfortunately all of this didn't help me run NC under Vista.

    3GB free temp space - check
    UAC disabled - check
    DEP disabled - check
    Run as Admin - check
    Writing rights in folder - check
    Granted firewall pass for client.exe and neocronlancher.exe - check

    When I start the game it takes ages to load. I then eventually land on the log in screen, where it seems to run so slow that even my mouse cursor is lagging.
    When I try to log in with my Data it says connecting to server and then after a while jumps back to where you enter your Data. No word of incorrect password or username wrong or something, just they way it was before.

    Any ideas?
    - Judge, Saturn (Pistol PE) r.i.p. 2003
    - Seth Deloth, Mars (Rifle PE) *2005; r.i.p 2007

  6. #66


    Quote Originally Posted by 750iL
    I then eventually land on the log in screen, where it seems to run so slow that even my mouse cursor is lagging.
    I get this too, but it doesn't affect the actual game once you log in. It's probably due to some changes in the newer video drivers and card-specific. What video card and driver version are you using? Me: 8800GT + 178.13 ForceWare. Back when I had a 7900GT and 6800GT, this never happened, in Vista.

    Quote Originally Posted by 750iL
    When I try to log in with my Data it says connecting to server and then after a while jumps back to where you enter your Data. No word of incorrect password or username wrong or something, just they way it was before.
    This doesn't really sound related to Vista. It sounds more like an account issue, perhaps you should send an e-mail to ?
    Last edited by Rob01m; 15-10-08 at 21:37.

  7. #67
    The Red Douche mdares's Avatar
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    ok so my old lappy with vista 32 home prem: worked fine when running NC even with all the new updates.

    my new lappy with vista 64 home prem: worked fine running NC BEFORE the recent updates; now with vista fully updated, i havent been able to get NC to run even once. It just holds up at the LOADING screen and cant even get to the login menu.

    xp compat, yadayada all done; given write permission; tried run as admin; etc.

    still no go. So im assuming it has something to do with a recent vista 64 update that's killed it.

    anyone comments?
    I'm back. Fear The Red Douche.

  8. #68
    Live in Hope, Die in Sync Selendor's Avatar
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    Vista 64bit Home Premium works fine for me with Neocron, the OS is up to date with the latest patches released by Microsoft this week.

    Neocron likes 4gb of Ram by the way, I hardly ever fatal unless I'm quitting the game, or I alt+tab when out in the wastelands.

  9. #69
    -=BlooD=- ancient's Avatar
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    Default trying to come back to nc

    i am having a simila problem to flib ... i have latest drivers patched up fully fire wall ect. ect. every thing allready mentioned in the thread ... but i launch from launcher get into the fullscreen mode (have tryed windowed and same thing) and it freezes on the loading screen with the epilepsy warning

    it seems like when switching to the loading screen it pops out of full screen mode for a split second .. and i think that's what's crashing it as if you try and alt tab b4 you get into game it will crash also (alltho i tryed in window mode and no luck)
    Last edited by ancient; 13-12-09 at 19:53.
    > Caster : relax we are not here fir pvp
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    > we are
    > You lost a little sympathy with The Crahn Sect. > You lost a little sympathy with CityAdmin. > You lost a little soullight.
    > think yaself lucky boy

  10. #70


    Sorry for the necro.

    Im having the same issue although with windows 7.

    Drivers and all that are up to date checked game files.
    Set compatibility modes, ran as admin.

    Even used the client.exe -precache

    And still no luck.

    Any ideas?

  11. #71


    Try run windowed/D3D7?
    What's the exact problem?

  12. #72


    hello someone has discovered a fix and would like to relay:

    when in windowed/fullscreen mode if you launch neocron with no other running programs it will run fine, then you can open whatever programs you'd like after it is running

    also, to close neocron just do the inverse... close all programs then neocron

    good hunting,

  13. #73
    DRE Veteran Zefrian's Avatar
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    Just want to add, that running Neocron with Windows 7 64 bit also seems possible without problems.

    What i did:

    * creating (as usual) a separate external folder for all games (like h:\mygames\nc )
    * i copied my NC installation directory from my old XP backup to the new position at my W7 system (right: i did not run the installation because of missing installation media - i tried to just copy it)
    * i started it in windowed mode as normal user.

    ... NC is running fine.
    Satzzeichen absichtlich wegzulassen ist gegenüber dem Leser eine grobe Unhöflichkeit, da es das Lesen des Textes massiv erschwert.

  14. #74


    Had the ich and started to download again. Got a new-er computer lets see if the game launches. Will post back if it works. If not see you in another year or so.

  15. #75


    Well Im getting stuck at the loading screen with the epilepsy warning.

    Installed in its own folder outside of program files.

    Disabled UAC.

    Disabled DEP

    Drivers are up to date.

    Iv gone through comparability modes. Both as admin and not.


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