Neocron on Windows Vista, 7 & 8

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  1. #1
    Lead Gamemaster & Lead Moderator Chenoa's Avatar
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    Default Neocron on Windows Vista, 7 & 8

    Feel free to post Q&A or suggestions / solutions here to get Neocron working with Windows Vista.

    btw: got a new computer last week, with Vista - no problems to start Neocron, works fine (Windows Firewall off, only the routerfirewall on).
    If you cant start Neocron, try to start it (with rightclick) as administrator.
    Last edited by Chenoa; 03-09-07 at 19:07.
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  2. #2
    Lead Gamemaster & Lead Moderator Chenoa's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by THE_TICK!!!!
    ok folks i got vista on this new lappy, i figured out how to launch neocrack..but NOW i get to the login screen and it wont connect to server, i disabled firewall and it STILL wont work..any suggestions ?

    Quote Originally Posted by THE_TICK!!!!
    ok windows firewall is disabled of course, and i disabled the OTHER firewall, and still nothing, it tries to connnect to server but fails it keeps telling me..cant get to the char screen just the login screen..HEEEEEEEEEEELP

    continue here please
    "Every day you spend without a smile is a lost day" - Charlie Chaplin
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  3. #3
    DRE Veteran Zefrian's Avatar
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    I admit having no Windows Vista. But There's a common main problem with every Windows with NT kernel (2000, XP, ...) and NTFS file system:

    NC needs write access to its own directory.

    Therefore it SHOULD NOT be installed at "c:/programm files/", but at some other destination like "e:/games/nc2/" and then give the user-group your login belongs to "full write access" to this directory.


    Windows prevents "normal users" from writing into "c:/programm files/" for security reasons. Therefore it's a bad idea to change the permissions of this directory.

    In oder to run a game like Neocron as "normal user" (NOT administrator) and without undermining the security of your System, create a folder like "e:/games/nc2/" and the tell the game setup to install it there (as administrator), and after that change permissions of "e:/games/" and all directories thereunder recursively -> "full acces to this folder for any local user".

    After that you should be able to run and patch Neocron without administrative permissions.
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  4. #4
    A Nobby's crisps eater! nobby's Avatar
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    ok little vista problem... Not life threatening, but anyways...

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  5. #5
    deals legshoots Powerpunsh's Avatar
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    get your latest sounddrivers nobby.
    Does the sound work in administration mode? Or try to change the permissions of your Neocron folder. Give your account full rights, and u wont have any problems also if you patch.
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  6. #6
    mad man of uranus THE_TICK!!!!'s Avatar
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    zef im trying your suggestion, ill let you know how it goes, and thanks for the help chenoa !!

  7. #7


    Could be an AV issue - some 'on-access scanners' sometimes interfere with write actions. Try to turn them off for the time paching.

  8. #8
    Banned User Dead Bodies's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Chenoa
    Feel free to post Q&A or suggestions / solutions here to get Neocron working with Windows Vista.

    btw: got a new computer last week, with Vista - no problems to start Neocron, works fine (Windows Firewall off, only the routerfirewall on).
    If you cant start Neocron, try to start it (with rightclick) as administrator.
    The only problem i have with vista is NO LOG FILE ARG i even reinstall 4 times tried to make the file and put it in there but it wont reccord. so all my important convo's on that comp are always lost

  9. #9
    Santa "WantaFantaGrope" Boob Heavyporker's Avatar
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    This is aggravating beyond belief. Desktop compute died, had to install Neocron on laptop... with Vista.

    At first, I could get on Neocron, log on characters, talk to others... but during the apartment debacle last weekend, I could not even turn around without the computer freezing up and requiring a manual reboot.


    I can get on Neocron, I can log on to characters, I can even talk, and lately... even turn around and open doors.

    I know I'm playing on an Admin account, I gave the neocron2 folder admin permissions... but what the hell?!?!?

    At this point, Neocron is nothing more than an aggravating chat program.

  10. #10


    I also had problem running NC2 on Vista, getting the "write protected" error and such. I gave admin access to the whole folder which worked...

    Then i came across the error which said I had multiple files that were corrupted and to use file check. I used file check and it listed the errors, then it told me on neocrons next launch it would download the files which had the errors. The problem was i launched it, but it just kept giving me the error without downloading the corrupted files..

    After further investigation, I found out I had to right click on the Client.exe inside the neocron folder and click on the "Compatibility" tab at the top. I then had to Check mark the "Run this program in compatibility mode for:" then change it to "Windows Xp Service pack 2"

    I applyed then re-launched Neocron 2 which then allowed me to download the corrupted files, and load the game perfectly...

    I have yet to turn the compatibility mode back to Windows Vista to see if i can still play the game. But atleast i can "Play" the game, even if it is running in XP service pack 2!

  11. #11
    Registered User Setlec's Avatar
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    i'm running nc with wista business 64bit without to much problem (normal bugs from the client)

  12. #12


    Quote Originally Posted by KillaCam0469
    I have yet to turn the compatibility mode back to Windows Vista to see if i can still play the game. But atleast i can "Play" the game, even if it is running in XP service pack 2!
    While I've never had the issue you've had, you'll want to keep compatibility mode on to get in-game music anyways.

  13. #13
    Watashi wa Neokuronjin
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    don't know if this has anything to do with vista, but i'm having some trouble...

    When i click my mouse bouton to shoot, it shoot... graet ... but it never stops until i run out of ammo.

    I tried different key bindings but does not seem to help, i had this problem on 2 different PC'c with different mouses.

    The only thing that helps is using the keyboard instead of the mouse .... but thats a bit anoying.

    I already contacted support and they said that the shoot and reload key binding can cause this problem and that i should use the keyboard instead of the mouse

  14. #14

    Default Irony? Vista & Neocron...

    So for the hell of it, I started the 1.78gb download of the NC2 client when I left for work this morning. I got home a little bit ago and attempted to install NC...

    The .exe is on my desktop, downloaded from, and for the life of me, I cannot run it LOL

    I've enabled Windows XP SP2 Compatibility, Unblocked it from Windows Defender... it simply just hangs explorer trying to run and I actually have to restart my machine. Finally, when I do that I see an error for a split second - something relating to a "File System Error" running the executable but it's too quick for me to read.

    Am I missing something? I'm not re-downloading this damn file, lol - I have Tabula Rasa, City of Heroes, Diablo II, Quake 4, Doom 3, F.E.A.R., Oblivion, and half a dozen other games installed and working on this clean, 5 day old install of Vista, working fine. I'm hard pressed to believe it's my PC.

    Yeah, it could be a corrupt download, but like I said, I'm not spending another day downloading NC.

  15. #15
    CmyKK F4nb01 <3 aKe`cj's Avatar
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    1. Can you confirm that your home HDD (C:, I guess) has more than 3 gigs available for temp files?

    2. Logged in as administrator?

    3. followed this advice: (esp. #3) ?

    I'm sure I've seen a checksum somewhere... if only I knew where.

    oh.. and why people -especially those with a strong technical background- dont bother to download the smaller files is a mystery to me... they are up there for a reason

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