Thread: Who bombed us?

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  1. #1
    Nah fuck it, turn it off Matanius's Avatar
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    Default Who bombed us?

    So, someone or group has bombed us in almost the heart of our city and I'm sure that you, as much as I, would like to figure out who is responsible, so let's put our collective heads together and see what we can come up with.

    Me personally....I really don't know. I guess given recent events the most obvious answer would be H.I.O.B. However, no matter what your view on him is, this really doesn't seem like his style. I can't imagine it being anything to do with Regant again, perhaps it's something to do with the supposed return of Crahn? Or even just 'The resistance' in general.

    Maybe it is even internal sabotage? I know that such a suggestion is a dangerous one to make, but can we really rule it out?

    Whatever it is, I'm stumped at the moment. I hope that some of the more insightful among you can offer some suggestions.

    On a a side note, was the 'accident' in Tech Haven really an accident or are the two incidents related? Perhaps someone can help shed some light on this issue too?


    Quote Originally Posted by jini
    Ok, I hate arguing.

  2. #2
    Final Boss of the Internet Kanedax's Avatar
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    It was those damn combat drugged droms on that mother fuckin hovercarrier!

    Edit: (what i really think). I would almost say the DOY alliance but as Tech Haven was also attacked I'll rule them out. The only potential mutual enemy the two cities have however is that H.I.O.B fella so perhaps it was him. If it was that coward or someone working for him expect to receive an e-mail through the citycom network gloating about his brilliance, however, with the way things are now, until a deeper investigation is made into this incident any accusations at this point are nothing but pure speculation.
    Last edited by Kanedax; 19-07-07 at 15:38.

  3. #3
    [UneX] - Developer | Liasion StevenJ's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kanedax
    Edit: (what i really think). I would almost say the DOY alliance but as Tech Haven was also attacked I'll rule them out.
    FA Technicians are repairing TH's systems... I bet they're doing more than repairing. Perhaps they did the initial damage to get in and do some serious reprogramming.

  4. #4
    Slaving over Sony Vegas CMaster's Avatar
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    I know in some ways this is a predicatble suggestion, but:
    Quote Originally Posted by HIOB
    to the end of the humanity to finally bring peace in this world.
    If HIOB wants to off us all, could it be it's doing (I more and more feel that HIOB is an AI). Shame, as I rather liked HIOB - they'd been useful and friendly up until now. But then I was prepared to follow the reborn Regant until it transpired that he was actualy insane.

  5. #5
    Final Boss of the Internet Kanedax's Avatar
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    Hell I wanted to follow the insane regant! Insane leaders ftw!

  6. #6
    Registered User Zheo's Avatar
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    I think it is quite obvious...Protopharm hates NExT, they also HATE the Fallen Angels, bombing is a bit extreme but I would not put it past them. I think PP has gone on a rampage! I say...wipe them out and give the place to the cockroaches!

  7. #7
    Roger Ramjet fanclub founder SorkZmok's Avatar
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    Probably some outcity scum who placed a bomb in one of the hovercabs. Either that or some dirty protopharm trying to cover a drug deal gone bad, what would i know. That HIOB is just a distraction. I don't believe that guy even exists.

    And me? I was on vacation when the bombing happened. an alibi. Oh god, if only droms could speak. Did i say drom? I err, meant hookers. Yeah, hookers. Several. Women. Yeh.

    God, now all that stuff happens and things heaten up and i can't be around.

  8. #8
    Bitter Veteran Hell-demon's Avatar
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    Lot of drom loving here...

    Say aye if ya like droms!

  9. #9
    Here since january 04 nellus's Avatar
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  10. #10
    Bitter Old Fart Dribble Joy's Avatar
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    Dr0ms and shatn0rs.

  11. #11
    Lead Gamemaster & Lead Moderator Chenoa's Avatar
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    This is the RP Forum, so stay on topic or iīve to close it.
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  12. #12
    Nah fuck it, turn it off Matanius's Avatar
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    Well some developments last night, the city was attacked! Unfortunately, not by Droms but by a new type of robot/mech. I managed to take some pictures:

    (OOC: sorry they're not very clear, were taken in a bit of a rush)

    These things turned up in Plaza-3, Via Rosso-3 (I think) Pepper Park-2 and also at the Military Base too. No-one seems to know where they came from, what they are or who sent them. Hopefully more will become clear soon.

    (OOC: Is there gonna be anything about this cos there were no GM's about, at least visibly, no Ceres members/Faction Assistants, the spawn wasn't announced and once they were killed we heard nothing else about it and there is still nothing in the Neocronicle about it.)

    Quote Originally Posted by jini
    Ok, I hate arguing.

  13. #13
    Slaving over Sony Vegas CMaster's Avatar
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    I say again, HIOB.

  14. #14
    Lead Gamemaster & Lead Moderator Chenoa's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Matanius
    (OOC: Is there gonna be anything about this cos there were no GM's about, at least visibly, no Ceres members/Faction Assistants, the spawn wasn't announced and once they were killed we heard nothing else about it and there is still nothing in the Neocronicle about it.)
    (OOC: Nice shots! You should read the blue thingy over the Neocronicle or the ingame Mail (not the newsletter, everyone got this mail). No GMīs / RP Chars needed for this, itīs storyline based. And if you wanna read what happened, feel free to report about, everything is welcome, the editorial staff will be glad about runner reports)
    "Every day you spend without a smile is a lost day" - Charlie Chaplin
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  15. #15
    Nah fuck it, turn it off Matanius's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by CMaster
    I say again, HIOB.
    Hmmm..I dunno it seems too obvious and It still doesn't seem to be his style. However, given the 'tone' in his latest hack on the Cronicle I may be wrong, he did sound pretty pissed!

    Quote Originally Posted by Chenoa
    (OOC: Nice shots! You should read the blue thingy over the Neocronicle or the ingame Mail (not the newsletter, everyone got this mail). No GMīs / RP Chars needed for this, itīs storyline based. And if you wanna read what happened, feel free to report about, everything is welcome, the editorial staff will be glad about runner reports)
    (OOC: Fair do's. Was still fun none the less. Was just that the last storyline mob spawn that happened (regant mutants in the city) there was the TT Faction Assistant calling for runners to help and leading the way etc. Just thought it was always like this. Keep up the good work!)

    Quote Originally Posted by jini
    Ok, I hate arguing.

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