'NSkill' Character Setup Utility - Alpha Version: 0.6.12 (07/01/08) - Page 6
  1. #76
    [UneX] - Developer | Liasion StevenJ's Avatar
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    WoC isn't supported yet, but is defined like this:

    + req wocdex 1 (or 2, or 3, etc)
    + req wocint 1
    + req wocstr 1
    + req wocpsi 1

    Cheers for the items Archtemplar, they've been added.

    DJ, I sorted that prob out - should be a new version posted later on, after football, soberness permitting

  2. #77
    Slaving over Sony Vegas CMaster's Avatar
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    The bonuses for resist boosters don't show on the con page.

    Also, behold the craptcaular hybrid setup:

  3. #78


    Okay just finished with armor - there have been a lot of typing mistakes :P
    Especially added a lot of PAs and some corrections. (pistolconbat --> pistolcombat)

    Uptodate to current patchlvl:

    UK/US & DE
    Wer aufhört besser zu werden, hat aufgehört gut zu sein!
    Reakktor 2000 - United Angels: http://www.r2k-ua.net

  4. #79


    Alrighty, I have found a problem with NSkill; Installed the latest version, copied in the Updated armor files by Spiro.
    Instead of just replacing the Previous files, it just created two versions of each file for some reason, i.e "NSkill.belts" and "NSkill.belts (1)". When I started it then, I got the "NSkill has found a problem and must be shut down" Error message.

    Deleted the doubles (with numbers behind em) = Error
    Deleted all Armor files and replaced them with Spiro's = Error
    Restarting PC = Error
    Uninstalling and Reinstalling without pasting Spiro's Files = Error

    Basically it wont start now, no matter how many times I reinstall it and/or restart my PC.

    Yes, im good at breaking stuff, especially PC stuff
    • Azrael Kawasaki -/- HC Tank
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  5. #80
    Nuckle Child Archtemplar's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Spiro
    Okay just finished with armor - there have been a lot of typing mistakes :P
    Especially added a lot of PAs and some corrections. (pistolconbat --> pistolcombat)

    Uptodate to current patchlvl:

    UK/US & DE
    I tested only the PA file and it causes nskill to crash, nothing like missing a 'start' or 'end' jumps out at me, so check over the file

    EDIT: It seems you included one working .txt and one broken one. Conviently named the same thing.


    More imps

    Experimental Chest
    req str 55
    + force 8.64
    + endurance 12.96

    Bat Queen Arm
    req str 75
    + force 16.80
    + meleecombat 11.20

    Synapse Berserk Mod X-12
    req str 43
    + str 1.77
    + meleecombat 14.21
    - heavycombat 2.93
    - endurance 2.93
    Last edited by Archtemplar; 01-05-07 at 21:44.

  6. #81


    Sorry for the confuse - an early version was like "+ numer skill" instead of "+ skill number" that causes the error (took me 1 hour to find out :P)

    Just uploaded an uptodate version for implants too:

    Jesus just got mixed up with reqs now :/ *link removed*
    Will fix it asap :P

    Armor zip has been fixed and should only contain the new files:


    Implants working now *sigh* Erm what do I have to use in order to get bonus to CON and Resistssheet?
    Last edited by Spiro; 01-05-07 at 22:54.
    Wer aufhört besser zu werden, hat aufgehört gut zu sein!
    Reakktor 2000 - United Angels: http://www.r2k-ua.net

  7. #82


    To give resists to the resists sheet it is just simply;

    + fire 10
    + energy 10
    + xray 10
    + poison 10
    + force 10
    + piercing 10

    Will apply it to the con values + resist sheet

  8. #83


    Mhm only fire applies... just used the syntax you gave me -

    *edit* total flieds of energy xray and poison seem to be wrecked
    Last edited by Spiro; 01-05-07 at 23:48.
    Wer aufhört besser zu werden, hat aufgehört gut zu sein!
    Reakktor 2000 - United Angels: http://www.r2k-ua.net

  9. #84
    [UneX] - Developer | Liasion StevenJ's Avatar
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    Latest version... despite a great football night Many thanks to Hoover and the Ultimate Gaming Network for some space on their server I should be able to move junk from the forums to there sooner or later.


    Added some missing items, thanks for the updates

    Fixed the con display bug (Which was your issue Spiro, only fire showing up in the resist window yet the graphs updating)

    Resist boosters now show up as part of the "base + imps" set (i.e. not armour, and displayed on the main screen)

    I noticed a few people posting just their resists. The main character sheet is kind of large. I've added a way of getting a tiny overview of these resists, as shown here... It always shows the main 5 skills, ath agil, and other pertinent stuff according to the character's build. (I'll round down the values... "soon" )

    As for the mystery bug which wasn't solved by uninstalling... that confuses and scares me, I'll give it some thought...

    Cheers for the feedback all, it's speeding up development no end

  10. #85

  11. #86


    "As for the mystery bug which wasn't solved by uninstalling... that confuses and scares me, I'll give it some thought..."

    Fixed by using Spiro's latest updated files.

    Although there are still some Bonuses not added or subtracted correctly due to the category being listed wrongly, i.e.: The H-C Weapons WoC PA 1:

    Wisdom of Ceres Silver Heavy Combatsuit S-50
    req str 110
    class tank
    req wocstr 1
    + force 53,81
    + piercing 53,81
    + energy 71,75
    + str 5,01
    + h-c 23,41
    - dex 5,01
    - atl 23,41

    should be:

    Wisdom of Ceres Silver Heavy Combatsuit S-50
    req str 110
    class tank
    req wocstr 1
    + force 53,81
    + piercing 53,81
    + energy 71,75
    + str 5,01
    + heavycombat 23,41
    - dex 5,01
    - atl 23,41

    Notice the difference? You CANNOT abbreviate heavycombat to h-c or athletics to atl, NSkill does not recognize those. Since I pulled these from Spiro's files, im assuming its his fault, so ill punch him as soon as he logs on
    • Azrael Kawasaki -/- HC Tank
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    • Parn Kawasaki -/- PPU Monk
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  12. #87


    Files fixed :P Just forgot to replace h-c with heavycombat and atl with athletics
    Wer aufhört besser zu werden, hat aufgehört gut zu sein!
    Reakktor 2000 - United Angels: http://www.r2k-ua.net

  13. #88
    Genetically Enhanced Tank naimex's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Spiro
    Files fixed :P Just forgot to replace h-c with heavycombat and atl with athletics
    you're not slacking are you Spiro?


  14. #89
    Roger Ramjet fanclub founder SorkZmok's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by silent000
    We had this before but the problem we had with it was, that when you typed in a number that was greater than the points you had to spend it fatald, very buggy, but im sure steve can do something about it, makign em faded out was just a quick fix.
    Haha, whenever i'm programming it's the last thing i fix. Input fields and the errors those can cause.

  15. #90
    Spermy made my hands messy :'( Asurmen Spec Op's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by SorkZmok
    Haha, whenever i'm programming it's the last thing i fix. Input fields and the errors those can cause.
    but those are easy to fix

    and as for a tip.

    Either document all these left/rightclick features, or make some others things, like for maxing a skill you could do what AG did and have a * for max

    07-14-2008 14:13:43 > Snowcrash is just chilling with us cool people
    07-14-2008 14:13:43 > OOC> KK_Snowcrash : making asurmen drop his pants

    Quote Originally Posted by Nidhogg
    Because you prefer it from behind?


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