Cheers naimex, I read your PM
I've been naughty and used too much bandwidthThis'll be sorted very soon!
Cheers naimex, I read your PM
I've been naughty and used too much bandwidthThis'll be sorted very soon!
I just came across a problem with the T-Haven CPU, its not adding in the bonus construction value +9.91 to my skills, all ather bonuses for the t-haven cpu adds in just fine and the values in NSkill.implants.txt are fine also.
Oh, I just found more issues:
A problem under the CON skill, looks like Endurance, Resist Energy, Resist Xray, Resist Poison. When i put points into these skills the totals arent going up and the force, piersing, xray resist bonus from my assassin suit 5-11 arent being added into the skills total but are being calculated into the resist percentage chart below the skills.
Thinks thats about all ive found so far.
Cheers, I should have mentioned that you should download the updated nskill.exe from here:Originally Posted by stonehaven25
It's not quite a release-ready version, but the most accurate one with regards resist. You'll probably see the odd debug message here and there, that's about it.
Also, I just looked into the TH CPU - there's a spelling mistake in "construction"I've changed that for the next update, but you can edit the implants.txt file if you like.
With regards the PAs, the con bonuses given don't show on the main con points tab (i.e. implants + con points), as these are applied as a layer of armour rather than base figures. However the maluses they introduce do come from your base resist, so they are shown there. There's a subtle difference as to how this will end up affecting the end % result.
If you check the graph, there are two percentage figures - the topmost being the 'real' damage reduction, the second percent is with resist psi factored in, so is the damage reduction you'll get if the dmg type originates from a psi source. Below are two numbers, the first is your con resist as shown on the constitution tab, the second number is the total for con+imps+armour.
I'll admit it confusing, but seems to model what happens ingame quite accurately...
(It's been too long since I looked at NSkill, took me a while top figure this out)
Double posts are officially sexy now... Has anyone done any work on calculating dmg on lowtech weps, by the way? I figure that'd be a nice easy place to start... I really, really, really would love to have dmg calculated. This could then let me calculate self-cast psi shields...
Or would this make a backwards move towards more cloned setups? I guess someone will work it out sooner or later, so it should perhaps be common knowledge...
Btw, there are nskill setups knocking around the forums at - you need to register to post new setups, make posts, but anyone can view them.
Wanted to try this out, since I'm trying to make a decent pistol spy, but alas, I cannot get the program to run at all.
I've tested it on both computers, one running vista and one with xp, same thing on both. I never even get a glimpse of the app itself, only a nice "Nskill V0.5 has stopped working." message...
Anyone dare to take a swing at why it's doing this? Yes, I have .net 2.0 installed.
Oh, some more info. This is from the Vista machine.
Problem Signature: CLR20r3, nskill.exe,, 46369fae, mscorlib,, 4536f11f, bd1, 59, System.FormatException
OS Version: 6.0.6000.
Locale ID: 2077
Last edited by Proxy; 06-12-07 at 13:21.
To be absolutely sure, you have to either know everything or nothing at all.
Did you install from the .msi file at
It is possible to just download the .exe, and run it from any folder (the installation is just to associate file types really) from
I'd download nskill.exe from there, to your desktop, and see if that works. That may help, but at the moment, I'm a little stumped I'm afraid.
Aye, I installed with the .msi, but I also tried the older versions from Naimex's site, same problem.
Tried running the .exe in another folder on it's own, same thing.
I have visual studio installed, and the CLR debugger says:
"An unhandled exception of type 'System.FormatException' occurred in mscorlib.dll
Additional information: Input string was not in a correct format."
Some sort of localization error? My friend is having the same problem, as well.
Edit: English windows with Swedish/Finnish settings, among other things...![]()
Last edited by Proxy; 06-12-07 at 13:57.
To be absolutely sure, you have to either know everything or nothing at all.
Ahh.. it could be a localisaton issue
In Swedish convention, is it 10.00 or 10,00 for a decimal number? I remember Sultan having a similar problem, and IIRC he's from Finland.
There are three ways around this, if this is the issue.
1) Wait for me to fix the shoddy programming (probably not a great plan)
2) Download this archive (data files using , rather than .) and extract all the NSkill.*.txt files to c:\program files\NSkill (or where ever)
3) Change your system localisation settings to use 0.00 rather than 0,00, run NSkill and choose Advanced | Extract Files | European. Change your settings back, and restart NSkill.
It's a little confusing as nabbl and other German users didn't receive the same error, but I don't really know an awful lot about localisation issues - NSkill is the first time I've ever even touched upon them.
Pls let me know how you get on. If you still have problems, let me know and I'll try to fix it up so the parser takes into account localisation.
It's 10,00 in Swedish/Finnish.
Tried the second approach, with the .txt-files. It's working perfectly, both for me and my friend.
Thank you, keep up the good work, this program is excellent.![]()
To be absolutely sure, you have to either know everything or nothing at all.
Bit of a bump I guess... but
New version (0.6.12) released:
- Shields can now be used to model psi better - added a checkbox to model as psi - removes the nanite resist cap, char sheet fixed up to reflect psi protection.
- Character sheet shows base values in brackets after each skill (mini sheet doesn't - it's just for showing off, not giving a full setup)
- Fixed a localisation bug. NSkill should now works in most western languages with no messing about with extracting files.
- Tidied up the con sheet (shouldn't get a tonne of half-hidden figures showing up now)
- All new characters are capped by default
- Speeded up some common functions
- Program now uses fractionally less memory
- New background images of the DoY HQs for that little edge of nostalgia
- Some tooltips added (more to come)
- Behind-the-scenes work made for a character setup db
- More behind the scenes work for auto-updating items
- Head implant graphics taken from a random bank
- Nanite values showing correctly on the char sheet
If you need the original installer, it's at
/Edit - Incidentally, this was downloaded over 700 times since the patch and I was getting a good telling off from my host company. Thanks to H00ver (the ultimate launcher chap!) for his help.
Last edited by StevenJ; 07-01-08 at 12:13.
Sweet! Now I don't need a char sheet and 2 instances of NSkill running on my second screen anymore.Originally Posted by StevenJ
And the rest of the stuff is cool too.![]()
Additional mirror to the 0.6.12
I didn't know what you meant by that until I resaved all my char sheets just now. Why?Originally Posted by StevenJ
It's pretty and I wanted to test something outOriginally Posted by Glok
And ty Naimex!