SA SF PPR Moto3Originally Posted by Dribble Joy
I cant remember the new names
that and I care more about speed than P-C, most people can't aim to save them.
SA SF PPR Moto3Originally Posted by Dribble Joy
I cant remember the new names
that and I care more about speed than P-C, most people can't aim to save them.
07-14-2008 14:13:43 > Snowcrash is just chilling with us cool people
07-14-2008 14:13:43 > OOC> KK_Snowcrash : making asurmen drop his pants
Originally Posted by Nidhogg
Hey guys, I see you all posting PE setups, but what sort of thing should a tank be aiming for these days? Does 60% on all resists, 997hp and 115.66ath/93.12agil sound awful (that's only something thrown together using nskill, not ingame values)?
Nullvoid // The Provider
This is my HC tank setup. I havent fully caped him ingame yet (10 con and 3 str to go) but he seems to take a pretty good beating. Albeit not eanough for me to win against anyone decent but that more to do with my pvp skills :P.Originally Posted by Nullvoid
I normally get more energy than fire tbh, seems it is used more than fire.
Cheers guys, but umm, what's with the negative athleticsdoes it not do anything these days?
Nullvoid // The Provider
It does and you rele should get quite high athletics, not as much as agil but it helps a tonne
Its quite the oposite in my experience. The only weapons that really do any decent amount of energy are the plasma guns ie the CS and the First Love (or is it Dizzy?). These arent really used in pvp as mutch anymore however people often mod sutch things as creeds with fire witch are definately used in abundance.Originally Posted by silent000
Its a flaw in my setup that i havent fixed yet. Didnt say it whas perfect but if you scimp abit on the less used resistances you can op it quite abit. This is also a camo PA setup witch takes a good deal out of athletics.Originally Posted by Nullvoid
Edit: Tweaked the setup abit to allow for more speed.
Last edited by solid-rock; 17-08-07 at 16:55.
Creeds are still primarily energy based. Fire's good against dev tanks though.
As to your setup, personally there are way too many holes, anyone with a non 'standard' dmg type is going to eat you for breaky.
Heres a little setup I bashed out, note that I know buggar all about tanks these days.
Uses WoC PA, but this can be switched with regular PA (nerfs agl instead of ath on the camo, and you have more points in dex to play with).
All con resists are below 75, uses NCPD, PPR, inq/kevlar armour, ballistic and soldier.
Nerfing agility instead of athletics dosnt really work seing as their on 2 difrent atributes. Also id like to know whats the advantage of Inq/Kevlar over Inq/Carbon?
Kevlar giving some fire is the difference. Aside from energy, fire is the resist you need to spend the most points in to get it to a high % so you really want to get as much fire resist from your armour+imps as possible.
Maybe that doesn't hold so true if you're speccing for something like a creed however since you can't really afford to spend many points on force/pierce (which the carbon is great for).
Nullvoid // The Provider
Is there a guide for how to do this with nanites? Cus I don't see it![]()
The shields tab is where we start; a good guess is/was around 5.26% for the TL86 nanites, per shot. If you're using protection nanites, adapt the % on each shield according to the shields you get ingame. Then increase the numbers on the spinners left of the percentages to model the number of injections.Originally Posted by Strife
Basically, this show shows the user is using 4 x fire nanite injections, which are set to give 5.26% protection each, 4 x energy at the same percentage per shot, and 2 x poison at 4.25% per injection (just for the same of example).
Hope this helps, it's not the clearest part of the program![]()
So the top tool for spies is the 5.26%?
Last edited by Strife; 27-08-07 at 03:55.
No, that's for the TL 86 nanites which most seem to use. There's a discussion about the advantages of TL100 nanites here, halfway down the page..Originally Posted by Strife
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