There is a free skill reset firstly, but now you can tweak using insta-loms (they will stil cost exp though)Originally Posted by Carnage
To activate this edit your neocron.ini , and add ENABLELOG = " TRUE"Originally Posted by Nidhogg
This will cause an active log to be written named, yourcharname_00
This log will show valuable data regarding your movement speed ,resists and heals. Heals will be shown as negative dmg :
Local Player: Damage() - Damage processing statistics!
Damage: -49.225 Target Fulldamage HitZone 3 - Part 0
Results of this target: Damage -49.225 (Reduction: 0.000 - -0.000 Percentage) - ResistanceCap: 0.920!
Thus the heal was ticking at 49/tick
DMG taken will be logged as follows:
Initial dmg -> shield resist->armor resist->-con resist->total resist (with the resist % accumulating each time)
Local Player: Damage() - Damage processing statistics!
Damage: 40.910 Target Poison HitZone 3 - Part 0
Damage: 6.474 (Reduction: 34.436 - 84.175 Percentage) - Damage reduced by shield
Damage: 6.474 (Reduction: 34.436 - 84.175 Percentage) - Damage reduced by player armor
Damage: 4.880 (Reduction: 36.030 - 88.070 Percentage) - Damage reduced by player skills
Results of this target: Damage 4.880 (Reduction: 36.030 - 88.070 Percentage) - ResistanceCap: 0.920!
To understand this read as 40.9 initial dmg
Then 6.4 remaining dmg after an 84% shield (reducing dmg by 34)
Then 6.4 remaining dmg after no poison armor (accumulative resist of 84% is unchanged)
Then 4.8 remaining dmg after con (accumulative resist of 88%)
Then final dmg of 4.8.
Since the values given are accumulative, you wont usually see the exact % from armor/con displayed ,as its added to the total but you can calculate them by
looking at the new dmg vs the old dmg on the line above...eg 4.8 remained from 6.4 => 1.6 was reduced , so 1.6/6.4*100 = 25%
Thus my con setup con gave me 25% , and this brought my total % from 84% to 88%.